Beige, Lysosomal trafficing regulator (Lystbg), Chr. 13, 7.0 cM, Genome Coordinates: 12940095-13078389
Many people are confused when they see a beige mouse for the first time. Most consider beige to be a light brown color. To their surprise the mice are essentially black. This is because the original mutation occurred in as a radiation-induced mutation at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory on an agouti black background. The mutant mice had a cafe au lait or beige color. A remutation in this locus arose spontaneously at The Jackson Laboratory in the C57BL/6J inbred strain, which is black. As this mutation causes a coat color dilution, these mice were described as dark (charcoal) grey colored. This is the mutant most commonly used today.
Coat, skin, and eye color dilution is the phenotype most obvious with these mice. This is due to the reduced number, enlargement, and clumping of melanin granules. Other cell types are also affected that have granules. These include granulocytes, lymphocytes, hepatocytes, renal proximal tubules, central nervous system, exocrine and endocrine pancreas, ducts of various glands, thyroid follicles, type II pneumocytes, and mast cells.
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