format-version: 1.2 data-version: 3.8 date: 21:01:2025 02:30 autogenerated-by: Pathbase version 2.2 saved-by: mgruenb default-namespace: mouse_pathology.ontology remark: The Pathbase mouse pathology ontology provides a description of mutant and transgenic mouse pathology phenotypes and incorporates 887 known mouse pathologies hierarchically organised as "instances of" pathological processes. Questions, comments and suggestions for amendment should be sent to the Co-ordinator, Dr. Paul Schofield, Dept. of Anatomy, University of Cambridge ( ontology was developed by the Pathbase consortium ( funded under the European Commission's Fifth Framework programme, Contract number QLRI-CT-1999-00320. [Term] id: MPATH:1 name: cell and tissue damage def: "The sum of morphological and functional disturbances induced by cell and tissue damage, either from intrinsic gene dysfunction or as a result of external factors." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:603 ! pathological anatomical entity [Term] id: MPATH:2 name: cell death def: "Complete and irreversible cessation of metabolic activity." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:597 ! cell and tissue damage process [Term] id: MPATH:3 name: apoptosis def: "Energy dependent cell death induced by intrinsic genetic or developmental programme, or external stimuli such as addition or withdrawal of cytokines or trophic factors, radiation, chemotherapeutic agents etc. Characterised by cell shrinkage, increases in membrane permeability, endonucleolyis and nuclear fragmentation resulting in the formation of rapidly endocytosed apoptotic bodies." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "programmed cell death [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:2 ! cell death [Term] id: MPATH:4 name: necrosis def: "Morpholological changes after intravital (Pathologic) death of one or more cells, or of a portion of tissue or organ, resulting from irreversible damage;characterised by mitochondrial swelling, nuclear pyknosis, karyolysis, swollen and abnormally pale basophilic staining; or karyorrhexis, rupture and fragmentation of the nucleus. Energy independent cf. Apoptosis MPATH 3." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:2 ! cell death [Term] id: MPATH:5 name: bridging necrosis def: "Area of liver necrosis that bridges adjacent portal areas and central veins." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:4 ! necrosis [Term] id: MPATH:6 name: caseous necrosis def: "Necrosis characteristic of some inflammatory conditions which represents necrosis with loss of structure of the various cellular and tissue elements; affected tissue manifests a friable, crumbly consistency." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:4 ! necrosis [Term] id: MPATH:7 name: coagulation necrosis def: "A type of necrosis in which the affected cells or tissue are reduced to homogeneous eosinophilic mass without nuclear staining, as a result of the protein coagulation, eg. Infarct. Tissue architecture persists." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:4 ! necrosis [Term] id: MPATH:8 name: fat necrosis def: "Dead and dying adipose tissue, characterized by the formation of small gray or white foci of soapy (saponified) cellular debris." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:4 ! necrosis [Term] id: MPATH:9 name: fibrinoid necrosis def: "Necrosis in which the necrotic tissue shows deeply eosinophilic staining similar to that of fibrin." [ISBN:0781727286] comment:Frequently occurs in the walls of blood vessels and in connective tissue in diseases such as disseminated Lupus erythrematosis and polyarteritis nodosa, scleroderma, dermatomyositis and rheumatic fever.[] is_a: MPATH:4 ! necrosis [Term] id: MPATH:10 name: gangrene def: "Extensive necrosis from whatever cause, often following chronic ischemia." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "Mortification [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:4 ! necrosis [Term] id: MPATH:11 name: hemorrhagic necrosis def: "Necrosis associated with local hemorrhage." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:4 ! necrosis [Term] id: MPATH:12 name: liquefactive necrosis def: "Soft or fluid tissue remains of a circumscribed area of necrosis digested by proteolytic enzymes." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:4 ! necrosis [Term] id: MPATH:13 name: piecemeal necrosis def: "Sensu; hepaticobiliary system. Loss and degeneration of hepatocytes at the portal-lobular interface producing a moth-eaten irregular appearance. Piecemeal necrosis is associated with a lymphocytic infiltrate." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:4 ! necrosis [Term] id: MPATH:14 name: process of degenerative change def: "A pathological process of loss or degradation of function, or structural integrity, of a tissue, organ or cell." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:597 ! cell and tissue damage process [Term] id: MPATH:15 name: general degenerative process def: "Change of tissue to a lower state of integrity or less functional form, as in heart failure." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:14 ! process of degenerative change [Term] id: MPATH:16 name: myxoid/myxomatous degeneration def: "A conversion of the connective tissues into a gelatinous or mucous substance." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "Mucoid degeneration [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "myxomatosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:15 ! general degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:17 name: subcellular defect def: "Defect of a subcellular structure or organelle." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:1 ! cell and tissue damage [Term] id: MPATH:18 name: cytoskeletal defect def: "Defect in the structure or function of the cytoskeleton." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:17 ! subcellular defect [Term] id: MPATH:19 name: endoplasmic reticulum defect def: "Defect in the structure or function of the endoplasmic reticulum." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:17 ! subcellular defect [Term] id: MPATH:20 name: golgi defect def: "Defect in the structure or function of the golgi apparatus." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:17 ! subcellular defect [Term] id: MPATH:21 name: lysosomal defect def: "Defect in the structure or function of the lysosomes." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:17 ! subcellular defect [Term] id: MPATH:22 name: mitochondrial defect def: "Defect in the structure or function of the mitochondria." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:17 ! subcellular defect [Term] id: MPATH:23 name: peroxysomal defect def: "Defect in the structure or function of the peroxysomes." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:17 ! subcellular defect [Term] id: MPATH:24 name: plasma membrane defect def: "Defect in the structure or function of the plasma membrane." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:17 ! subcellular defect [Term] id: MPATH:25 name: tissue specific degenerative process def: "Degenerative process characteristic of a particular tissue." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:14 ! process of degenerative change [Term] id: MPATH:26 name: alopecia def: "Absence of hair or loss of hair." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:27 name: arthrosis def: "Changes characterized by erosion of articular cartilage, either primary or secondary to trauma or other conditions. Not primarily an inflammatory process." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "Degenerative joint disease [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "osteoarthrosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:28 name: atherosclerosis def: "Characterised by irregular lipid deposits in the wall of arteries, causing narrowing of their lumens and proceeding eventually to fibrosis and calcification." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:Note that in mouse and rats the initial lesions are mostly in the medial layer while in human they occur in the intima.[] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:29 name: cataract def: "Opacity of the lens." [PMID:9309781] is_a: MPATH:1 ! cell and tissue damage [Term] id: MPATH:30 name: cystic medial necrosis def: "Loss of muscle fibers and elastin in the media of the aorta, with accumulation of mucopolysaccharide." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "Erdheim disease [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "media necrosis aortae idiopathica cystica [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "media necrosis of the aorta [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Mucoid medial degeneration [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:4 ! necrosis [Term] id: MPATH:31 name: emphysema def: "Abnormal accumulation of air in the interstitial connective tissue of a structure. Sensu Lung: Pulmonary emphysema; characterised by abnormal increase in the size of air (alveolar) spaces distal to the terminal bronchiole with degenerative changes in their walls and reduction in their number." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:32 name: glaucoma def: "Increase in the intraocular pressure." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:33 name: intracellular and extracellular accumulation def: "Accumulation of substances within, on the surface of or between cells." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:1 ! cell and tissue damage [Term] id: MPATH:34 name: amyloid deposition def: "Extracellular deposition of amyloid protein." [ISBN:0781727286] comment:Any group of chemically diverse proteins that appears microscopically homogeneous, but is composed of linear non-branching aggregated fibrils aranged in sheets when see under the electron microscope.[] synonym: "Amyloidosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:35 name: bile deposition def: "Intra- or extracellular deposition of bile pigments and their metabolites." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:613 ! pigmentation [Term] id: MPATH:36 name: calcium deposition def: "Intra or extracellular deposition of calcium usually as calcium phosphate." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:555 ! mineralisation [Term] id: MPATH:37 name: ceroid deposition def: "Intracellular deposition of golden or yellow-brown pigment, acid fast and insoluble in lipid solvents. Believed to be a type of lipofuscin." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:613 ! pigmentation [Term] id: MPATH:38 name: copper deposition def: "Intra and extracellular deposition of copper and copper containing proteins." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:45 ! protein deposition is_a: MPATH:555 ! mineralisation [Term] id: MPATH:39 name: glycogen deposition def: "Intracellular deposition of glycogen." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:40 name: hyalinosis def: "Intracellular deposition of eosinophilic material." [PMID: 11794381] synonym: "Hyaline degeneration, Eosinophilic cytoplasmic change [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:41 name: iron deposition def: "Extra- or intra-cellular deposition of iron, iron containing proteins or hemosiderin." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:45 ! protein deposition is_a: MPATH:555 ! mineralisation [Term] id: MPATH:42 name: lipid deposition def: "Extra or intracellular deposition of lipid." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:43 name: lipofuscin deposition def: "Intracellular deposition of brown pigment granules probably representing lipid-containing residues of lysosomal digestion. Often age related." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:613 ! pigmentation [Term] id: MPATH:44 name: melanin deposition def: "Intra or extracellular deposition of melanin." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:613 ! pigmentation [Term] id: MPATH:45 name: protein deposition def: "Non-specified intra or extracellular deposition of protein." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:46 name: uric acid deposition def: "Extracellular deposition of uric acid crystals." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:47 name: intracellular and extracellular depletion def: "Loss or dispersion of specific intra- and extracellular substances." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:1 ! cell and tissue damage [Term] id: MPATH:48 name: decalcification def: "Process of loss of calcium from normally calcified tissue, usually bone." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:47 ! intracellular and extracellular depletion [Term] id: MPATH:49 name: demyelination def: "Reduction of myelin content in neuronal sheath." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:47 ! intracellular and extracellular depletion [Term] id: MPATH:50 name: glycogen depletion def: "Reduction in intracellular glycogen content." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:47 ! intracellular and extracellular depletion [Term] id: MPATH:51 name: hypocalcification def: "Intrinsic abnormally low level of calcification in a tissue cf. MPATH: 48." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:47 ! intracellular and extracellular depletion [Term] id: MPATH:52 name: lipid depletion def: "Reduction in cellular or plasma lipid content." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:47 ! intracellular and extracellular depletion [Term] id: MPATH:53 name: osteopenia def: "Reduced bone mass due to inadequate synthesis of osteoid, resulting in decreased calcification." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:47 ! intracellular and extracellular depletion [Term] id: MPATH:54 name: osteoporosis def: "Reduction in the quantity of bone or atrophy of skeletal tissue. More severe than MPATH: 53 with gross changes to bone matrix." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:47 ! intracellular and extracellular depletion [Term] id: MPATH:55 name: developmental and structural abnormality def: "Developmental and structural abnormalities occurring during embryonic development or during adult life." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:603 ! pathological anatomical entity [Term] id: MPATH:56 name: developmental or adult structural defect def: "Structural, physical or other general defect of prenatal development of the embryo and the placenta, or such as are acquired in the adult." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:55 ! developmental and structural abnormality [Term] id: MPATH:57 name: agenesis def: "Failure of a tissue or organ to develop." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Agenesia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:58 name: aplasia def: "Absence of an organ or tissue coupled with persistence of the organ/tissue primordium, which fails to develop completely." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:59 name: defective branching morphogenesis def: "Defect in the process determining number, angle, pattern or rate of branching of tubular branched structures eg. Glandular ducts." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:60 name: communication defect def: "Failure of two cavities, voids or lumens to connect." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:61 name: curvature defect def: "Inappropriate curvature of a structure." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:62 name: cyst def: "Formation of an epithelium bounded cavity not associated with neoplasia." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:63 name: depletion def: "The removal of accumulated fluids or solids." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:64 name: developmental dysplasia def: "Abnormal development (of organs or tissues) or an abnormal structure resulting from such growth." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:The word dysplasia as commonly used refers to a precursor state to neoplasia. This is not the context used for this MPATH term.[] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:66 name: dilatation def: "Increase in the diameter of an orifice or tubular structure beyond its normal dimensions." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:67 name: displacement and deformity def: "Abnormal location, orientation, number, loss or non-specified deformity of a structure or tissue." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:68 name: diverticulum def: "A blind ended outpouching through the wall of a tubular organ or bounded cavity." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:70 name: fistula def: "An abnormal passage between two internal organs or leading from a cavity to the body surface." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:71 name: fusion defect def: "Failure of two or more structures ( not voids or lumens) to join together." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:72 name: growth acceleration def: "Increase in the rate of growth of an organism, organ or tissue as a consequence of increased proliferation, reduced cell death, or a combination. Not due to an increase in cell size; see Hypertrophy MPATH: 159." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:73 name: growth arrest def: "The cessation of fetal or embryonic growth beyond a particular stage." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:74 name: hamartoma def: "A focal malformation resembling a neoplasm which results from faulty development of an organ; composed of an abnormal mixture of tissue elements, or an abnormal proportion of a single element. Growth and location are usually normal for that tissue cf. Heterotopia/Choristoma MPATH:76/MPATH:477." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:75 name: hernia def: "Protrusion of a loop or wall of an organ through an abnormal opening." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:76 name: heterotopia def: "Congenital appearance of a body part or tissue or cell type in a region where it is not normally found ( topographical anomaly)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Ectopia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:67 ! displacement and deformity [Term] id: MPATH:77 name: homoeotic change def: "Stricto sensu: replacement of one body part or tissue by an homologous structure or tissue, but commonly used incorrectly to describe non-homologous transformations better described as heterotopias or ectopias." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:78 name: incomplete closure def: "Incomplete closure of a void or lumen due to failure of growth or fusion of bounding walls." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:79 name: malposition def: "Abnormal position or orientation of a structure insufficient to be called a heterotopia." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Misplacement [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:76 ! heterotopia [Term] id: MPATH:80 name: obstruction and stenosis def: "Occlusion ( partial or complete) of a lumen or space, internally by a space occupying mass or, in the case of stenosis, by local reduction in the diameter of a vessel, duct or the intestine." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:81 name: perforation def: "Presence of a hole/channel through a normally imperforate structure often a membrane or septum." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:82 name: persistent embryonic structure def: "Persistence of an embryonic structure or tissue into the post-natal period in its normal location; (Chronological/temporal anomaly)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Embryonic rest. [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:83 name: septation defect def: "Any defect in the formation of septae not describable as perforation." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:84 name: supernumerary structure def: "Additional structure whether normally located or not." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:85 name: transdifferentiation def: "Alteration in the differentiation of a cell or tissue already showing a different, recognisable, differentiated state." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:This term is generally used in the context of embryonic cells or stem cells.[] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:86 name: organ specific developmental defect def: "Developmental defect characteristic of a particular organ or organ system which may be a recognised syndrome or a complex defect showing multiple manifestations." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:55 ! developmental and structural abnormality [Term] id: MPATH:87 name: germ cell defect def: "Abnormal morphology, differentiation or location of primordial germ cells or their descendents. Not neoplastic." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:86 ! organ specific developmental defect [Term] id: MPATH:89 name: cardiovascular developmental defect def: "Abnormal development of the heart or vascular tissue resulting in morphological abnormality." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:86 ! organ specific developmental defect [Term] id: MPATH:90 name: aneurysm def: "Localised dilation of an artery or heart chamber usually due to an acquired or congenital weakness of the wall of the artery or chamber." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:91 name: arteriovenous anastomosis def: "Formation of vessels between arterioles and venules bypassing capillary circulation." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Anastomosis arteriolovenularis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "anastomosis arteriovenosa [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "arteriolovenular anastomosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:89 ! cardiovascular developmental defect [Term] id: MPATH:92 name: cardiac defect def: "Structural, organisational or growth related defects in cardiac development." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "heart abnormalities [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:89 ! cardiovascular developmental defect [Term] id: MPATH:93 name: cardiac septation defect def: "Abnormality in the wall between the atria or ventricles, or defects in the truncoconal septum, of the heart; usually incomplete closure." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:92 ! cardiac defect [Term] id: MPATH:94 name: valve defect def: "Malformation of the membranous folds of the heart that prevent reflux of fluid." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:92 ! cardiac defect [Term] id: MPATH:95 name: hypertrophic ventricle def: "Thickening of the wall of one or both of the heart ventricles." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:92 ! cardiac defect [Term] id: MPATH:96 name: hypoplastic ventricle def: "Reduction in cell number of one or both of the two lower chambers of the heart." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:92 ! cardiac defect [Term] id: MPATH:97 name: dissecting aneurysm def: "Follows the presence of a hematoma in the wall of an artery Splitting of the media occurs, blood enters the split through a tear in the intima." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:90 ! aneurysm [Term] id: MPATH:98 name: lymphangiectasis def: "A stretching and widening of the lymphatic vessels." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Lymphectasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "telangiectasia lymphatica [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:474 ! ectasia is_a: MPATH:89 ! cardiovascular developmental defect [Term] id: MPATH:99 name: varices def: "An enlarged and often tortuous vein." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:100 name: placental abnormality def: "Defect in placental growth, differentiation of circulation; maternal or embryonic component." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:86 ! organ specific developmental defect [Term] id: MPATH:101 name: glycogen cell defect def: "Lack of, displacement of, or abnormality in function or growth of the glycogen cells." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:100 ! placental abnormality [Term] id: MPATH:102 name: labyrinth zone defect def: "Defect in size, cellular composition, function or organisation of the labyrinthine zone of the placenta." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:100 ! placental abnormality [Term] id: MPATH:103 name: placental vascular defect def: "Any defect in the maternal or embryonic placental circulation." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:100 ! placental abnormality [Term] id: MPATH:104 name: spongiotrophoblast defect def: "Defect in size, cellular composition, function or organisation of the spongiotrophoblast zone of the placenta." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:100 ! placental abnormality [Term] id: MPATH:105 name: circulatory disorder def: "Lesions leading to or consequent on failure of, or atypical movement of, blood throughout the body." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:603 ! pathological anatomical entity [Term] id: MPATH:106 name: fluid accumulation def: "Abnormal accumulation of fluid; blood or lymph." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:105 ! circulatory disorder [Term] id: MPATH:107 name: congestion def: "Presence of an abnormal amount of fluid (but especially of blood) in the vessels or passages of a part or organ." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:106 ! fluid accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:108 name: disseminated intravascular coagulation def: "A syndrome consequent to uncontrolled activation of blood clotting factors leading to disseminated platelet lysis, and fibrin deposition, ultimately leading to bleeding and necrosis as a consequence of inhibition of fibrin polymerisation by degradation products." [ISBN:0781727286] comment:Diagnosed by microthrombi in many organs.[] synonym: "DIC [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:105 ! circulatory disorder [Term] id: MPATH:109 name: edema def: "An accumulation of an excessive amount of watery fluid in cells or intercellular tissues." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "oedema EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:106 ! fluid accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:110 name: embolus def: "A plug formed from a variety of materials occluding a vessel or tube." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:105 ! circulatory disorder [Term] id: MPATH:111 name: air embolism def: "An bubble of air occluding flow through a blood or lymphatic vessel." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:110 ! embolus [Term] id: MPATH:112 name: amniotic fluid embolism def: "Occlusion of vessels caused by entry of amniotic fluid, cell and debris into the maternal circulation." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:110 ! embolus [Term] id: MPATH:113 name: atrial embolism def: "Occlusion of the outflow tract of the right atrium by a thrombus." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:110 ! embolus [Term] id: MPATH:114 name: bone marrow embolism def: "Occlusion of vessels caused by entry of bone marrow, often fatty debris into the circulation. Usually following trauma." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:110 ! embolus [Term] id: MPATH:115 name: fat embolism def: "Occlusion of vessels caused by entry of lipid or fatty cells into the circulation. Usually following trauma." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:110 ! embolus [Term] id: MPATH:116 name: pulmonary embolism def: "Occlusion of pulmonary vessels by an embolus." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:110 ! embolus [Term] id: MPATH:117 name: skin embolism def: "Occlusion of vessels, usually small arterioles in the dermis by various emboli." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:110 ! embolus [Term] id: MPATH:118 name: systemic embolism def: "Production of systemic vessel occlusion by emboli released from the left side of the heart, or the aorta." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:110 ! embolus [Term] id: MPATH:119 name: hemorrhage and non-specified extravasation def: "Abnormal release of whole blood or the cellular component from the circulation." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:105 ! circulatory disorder [Term] id: MPATH:120 name: ecchymosis def: "A red/purple patch caused by extravasation of blood into the skin. Larger than petechiae." [ISBN:0781727286] comment:May also be used for any organ, although more generally used with respect to the skin.[] is_a: MPATH:119 ! hemorrhage and non-specified extravasation [Term] id: MPATH:121 name: hematoma def: "A localised deposition of clotted or partially clotted extravasated blood." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "Bruise [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:119 ! hemorrhage and non-specified extravasation [Term] id: MPATH:122 name: petechia def: "Small hemorrhagic spots in the skin caused by blood vessel breakdown." [ISBN:0781727286] comment:Usually used with reference to the skin but can be used in the context of other organs.[] is_a: MPATH:119 ! hemorrhage and non-specified extravasation [Term] id: MPATH:123 name: purpura def: "Purple and variously colored lesions caused by extensive haemorrhage into the skin through ecchymoses/petechia." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:119 ! hemorrhage and non-specified extravasation [Term] id: MPATH:124 name: infarct def: "An area of necrosis resulting from a sudden cessation of arterial or venous blood supply." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:105 ! circulatory disorder [Term] id: MPATH:125 name: thrombosis def: "Presence of an occluding or mural thrombus in a blood vessel." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:105 ! circulatory disorder [Term] id: MPATH:126 name: growth and differentiation defect def: "Defects in growth (changes in proliferation or mass) and differentiation of cells tissues or organs." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:603 ! pathological anatomical entity [Term] id: MPATH:127 name: atrophy def: "A reduction in size of organs or tissues as a result of cell death, loss of cellularity of whatever cause, reduced cellular proliferation or decreased cellular volume." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:604 ! defective growth and differentiation process [Term] id: MPATH:128 name: intra-epithelial neoplasia def: "Non-invasive changes characterized by alteration in the size, shape and organization of the cellular components of an epithelial tissue. Do not confuse with developmental dysplasia MPATH:64." [Journal: Ward; J.M. ( 2002) J Toxicol. Pathol. 15; 123-128] comment:This term has been previously used as a synonym for pre-malignant dysplasia or carcinoma in situ and is now to be preferred.[] synonym: "intra-epithelial lesion [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:556 ! potentially cancerous lesions [Term] id: MPATH:130 name: mild intra-epithelial neoplasia def: "Mild non-invasive changes in cell morphology and tissue architecture confined to the epithelium alone." [Journal: Ward; J.M. ( 2002) J Toxicol. Pathol. 15; 123-128] synonym: "IENI [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "low grade intraepithelial lesion [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "mild epithelial dysplasia. [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:128 ! intra-epithelial neoplasia [Term] id: MPATH:131 name: moderate intra-epithelial epithelial neoplasia def: "Moderate non-invasive changes in cell morphology and tissue architecture confined to the epithelium alone." [Journal: Ward; J.M. ( 2002) J Toxicol. Pathol. 15; 123-128] synonym: "high grade intraepithelial lesion [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "IENII [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "moderate epithelial dysplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:128 ! intra-epithelial neoplasia [Term] id: MPATH:132 name: severe intra-epithelial neoplasia def: "Severe non-invasive malignancy associated changes in cell morphology and tissue architecture confined to the epithelium alone." [Journal: Ward; J.M. ( 2002) J Toxicol. Pathol. 15; 123-128] comment:Carcinoma in situ may be used in some systems as a synonym.[] synonym: "carcinoma in situ [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "high grade intra-epithelial lesion [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "IENIII [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "severe epithelial dysplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:128 ! intra-epithelial neoplasia [Term] id: MPATH:133 name: hypoplasia def: "Small organ or structure; failure to develop to normal size." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Developmental hypoplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:604 ! defective growth and differentiation process [Term] id: MPATH:134 name: hyperplasia def: "An increase in cell numbers in comparison to normal as a consequence of increased cell proliferation. Non -neoplastic process." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:604 ! defective growth and differentiation process [Term] id: MPATH:135 name: epithelial and stromal hyperplasia def: "Abnormal proliferation of epithelial and stromal cells." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:136 name: fibroepithelial polyp def: "A polypoid outgrowth of both epidermis and dermal fibrovascular tissue." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "skin tag [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:138 ! epithelial hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:137 name: fibroglandular hyperplasia def: "Benign proliferation of glandular epithelium accompanied by proliferation of fibroblastic stroma." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:135 ! epithelial and stromal hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:138 name: epithelial hyperplasia def: "Abnormal proliferation of epithelial cells and epithelial components." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:139 name: goblet cell hyperplasia def: "Benign proliferation of goblet cells." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:138 ! epithelial hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:140 name: hyperplastic polyp def: "A benign polyp, usually in the colon, showing hyperplasia." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:491 ! polyp [Term] id: MPATH:141 name: inflammatory polyp def: "A projecting mass of granulation tissue which may become covered by regenerating epithelium." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "pseudopolyp [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:491 ! polyp [Term] id: MPATH:142 name: intraductal hyperplasia def: "Benign hyperplasia of the ducts of the mammary gland. Ducts exhibit more than the usual two layer epithelium (inner cuboidal to columnar cells; outer layer of myoepithelium) without cytological atypia." [PMID:10713680] is_a: MPATH:138 ! epithelial hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:143 name: microglandular hyperplasia def: "Benign proliferation of glandular epithelia, eg. Endocervical glands. Consists of tightly packed glandular or tubular units, which vary in size, lined by a flattened-to-cuboidal epithelium." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "microglandular adenosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:138 ! epithelial hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:144 name: myoepithelial hyperplasia def: "Benign proliferation of glandular myoepithelial cells." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:138 ! epithelial hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:145 name: fat cell hyperplasia def: "Benign proliferation of adipose tissue." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:147 name: lymphoid hyperplasia def: "Benign enlargement of lymphoid tissues." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "lymphoid hypertrophy [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:148 name: mesothelial hyperplasia def: "Benign proliferation of mesothelial cells lining body cavities presenting as small solid cell clusters or multiple layers with columnar morphology and delicate eosinophilic cytoplasm." [Pathbase: Mohr] synonym: "mesothelioma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:149 name: squamous hyperplasia def: "Benign proliferation of epidermal cells with hyperkeratosis. Variable growth pattern, regular to papillary (exophytic squamous cell hyperplasia)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "epidermal hyperplasia. [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "squamous cell hyperplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:150 name: acanthosis def: "Hyperplasia of the Malpighian layer (prickle cell) of the epidermis." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:149 ! squamous hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:151 name: actinic keratosis def: "Discrete, flat or elevated, verrucous, keratotic lesions. Epidermal changes are characterized by acanthosis, parakeratosis, and dyskeratoses. Dysplastic change is present and the keratinocytes vary in size and shape. Associated with UV exposure in humans. Not defined in mice to date." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:149 ! squamous hyperplasia is_a: MPATH:556 ! potentially cancerous lesions [Term] id: MPATH:152 name: basal cell hyperplasia def: "Benign proliferation of the basal layer cells of the skin." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:149 ! squamous hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:153 name: hypergranulosis def: "Increased thickness of the granular layer of a stratified squamous epithelium, associated with hyperorthokeratosis." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:149 ! squamous hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:154 name: hyperkeratosis def: "Thickening of the surface layers (stratum corneum) in the skin or other stratified squamous epithelium. Cf. ortho- and para-keratosis." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "cornification [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "hyperorthokeratosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "hyperparakeratosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:149 ! squamous hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:155 name: orthokeratosis def: "Thickening of the anuclear cell layer limited to the stratum corneum, as in a stratified squamous epithelium." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:154 ! hyperkeratosis [Term] id: MPATH:156 name: parakeratosis def: "Thickening of the surface cell layer of a stratified squamous epithelium with retention of nuclei in the cells of the stratum corneum." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:154 ! hyperkeratosis [Term] id: MPATH:157 name: pseudoepithelioma/pseudocarcinoma def: "Benign hyperplasia and down-growth of epidermal cells. Microscopically resembling well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "pseudocarcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "pseudocarcinomatous hyperplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:149 ! squamous hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:158 name: seborrheic keratosis def: "Superficial, benign, verrucous, often pigmented, greasy lesions consisting of proliferating epidermal cells, resembling basal cells, enclosing cornifying cysts." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "Basal cell papilloma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "seborrheic verruca [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:149 ! squamous hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:159 name: hypertrophy def: "Increase in size or mass of a cell, tissue or organ without increase in cell proliferation. Cf. Hyperplasia MPATH: 133." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:604 ! defective growth and differentiation process [Term] id: MPATH:160 name: metaplasia def: "Abnormal transformation of an fully differentiated adult cell or tissue of one kind into a differentiated tissue of another kind. An adult instance of developmental transdifferentiation MPATH:85 Traditionally defined as a form of abnormal regeneration in which a type of cell different from that found normally in a given location is produced." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:604 ! defective growth and differentiation process [Term] id: MPATH:161 name: cartilaginous metaplasia def: "Metaplasia resulting in heterotopic formation of cartilage." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:605 ! metaplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:162 name: epithelial metaplasia def: "Metaplasia occurring within epithelia." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:605 ! metaplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:163 name: apocrine metaplasia def: "Alteration of acinar epithelium of, for example, mammary tissue to resemble apocrine glands." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:162 ! epithelial metaplasia [Term] id: MPATH:164 name: gastric metaplasia def: "Appearance of heterotopic gastric epithelium." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:162 ! epithelial metaplasia [Term] id: MPATH:165 name: glandular metaplasia def: "Development of heterotopic glandular epithelia." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:162 ! epithelial metaplasia [Term] id: MPATH:166 name: goblet cell metaplasia def: "Metaplasia resulting in formation of mucus secreting goblet cells." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:162 ! epithelial metaplasia [Term] id: MPATH:167 name: intestinal metaplasia def: "Appearance of heterotopic intestinal epithelium." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:162 ! epithelial metaplasia [Term] id: MPATH:168 name: lipomatous metaplasia def: "Metaplasia resulting in formation of fat cells." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:605 ! metaplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:169 name: nephrogenic metaplasia def: ".A rare benign neoplasm of the mucosa of the urinary bladder or the urethra, consisting of tubular structures resembling those of the nephron." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "nephrogenic adenoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:162 ! epithelial metaplasia [Term] id: MPATH:170 name: oncocytic metaplasia def: "Appearance of oncocytic cells in for example an epithelium or tumor." [ISBN:0781727286] comment:An oncocyte is an acidophilic cell containing numerous mitochondria - an oxophil cell.[] is_a: MPATH:162 ! epithelial metaplasia [Term] id: MPATH:171 name: squamous metaplasia def: "Change of a glandular or mucosal epithelium into squamous epithelium." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:162 ! epithelial metaplasia [Term] id: MPATH:172 name: transitional cell metaplasia def: "Metaplastic response of the transitional epithelium, for example in the bladder to give squamous metaplasia and glandular metaplasia for example." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:162 ! epithelial metaplasia [Term] id: MPATH:173 name: myeloid metaplasia def: "A progressive disease of the bone marrow where neoplastic bone marrow stem cells lodge and grow at sites outside the bone marrow." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:512 ! myeloproliferative disease [Term] id: MPATH:174 name: osseous metaplasia def: "Metaplasia resulting in formation of bone." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "ectopic bone BROAD" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:605 ! metaplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:175 name: healing and repair process def: "The process, normal or abnormal, of damage repair or wound closure." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:596 ! pathological process [Term] id: MPATH:176 name: connective tissue replacement def: "Replacement of connective tissue by fibro-fatty deposits and scar tissue." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:175 ! healing and repair process [Term] id: MPATH:177 name: angiogenesis def: "Aberrant process of blood vessel formation and the subsequent remodeling process; does not refer to the initial establishment of the vascular network by vasculogenesis." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "neovascularisation " [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:176 ! connective tissue replacement [Term] id: MPATH:178 name: extracellular matrix deposition def: "Abnormal deposition of extracellular matrix proteins or other components." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:176 ! connective tissue replacement [Term] id: MPATH:179 name: fibrin deposition def: "Deposition of fibrin." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:176 ! connective tissue replacement [Term] id: MPATH:180 name: fibroblast proliferation def: "Abnormal or reactive proliferation of fibroblasts." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:176 ! connective tissue replacement [Term] id: MPATH:181 name: fibrosis def: "Reactive formation of fibrous tissue." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:176 ! connective tissue replacement [Term] id: MPATH:182 name: gliosis def: "Proliferation of astrocytes in an area of damage in the brain or spinal cord." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:176 ! connective tissue replacement [Term] id: MPATH:183 name: granulation tissue def: "Newly formed connective (vascular or fibrous)tissue caused by inflammation or healing (repair) processes. Microscopically consists of capillaries fibroblastic cells and inflammatory cells." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:607 ! healing and repair structure [Term] id: MPATH:184 name: sclerosis def: "Any pathological thickening or hardening of a tissue." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Induration [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:176 ! connective tissue replacement [Term] id: MPATH:185 name: parenchymal regeneration def: "Post-injury regeneration of the functional tissue parenchyma. Eg. Liver." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:175 ! healing and repair process [Term] id: MPATH:186 name: complete parenchymal regeneration def: "Complete healing through parenchymal regeneration - no fibrosis." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:185 ! parenchymal regeneration [Term] id: MPATH:187 name: incomplete parenchymal regeneration def: "Incomplete healing usually accompanied by fibrosis." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:185 ! parenchymal regeneration [Term] id: MPATH:188 name: immunopathology def: "Conditions resulting from inappropriate activation or suppression of the immune or inflammatory response." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:596 ! pathological process [Term] id: MPATH:189 name: hypersensitivity disease def: "Immune response resulting in tissue injury." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:188 ! immunopathology [Term] id: MPATH:190 name: type I hypersensitivity def: "This is manifested by localized or generalized reaction that occurs immediately (minutes) after exposure to an antigen to which the person/animal was previously sensitized. It is IgE-mediated, and mast cell activation and degranulation are hallmarks." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:189 ! hypersensitivity disease [Term] id: MPATH:191 name: type II hypersensitivity def: "Caused by an antibody/antigen reaction: antibodies are directly or indirectly cytotoxic to antigens on cell surfaces or in connective tissues." [ISBN:0781727286] comment:Most often involves IgG and IgM. Complement activation is usually involved.[] is_a: MPATH:189 ! hypersensitivity disease [Term] id: MPATH:192 name: type III hypersensitivity def: "Tissue injury mediated by immune complexes. Generally involves immune complexes formed in the blood via antibodies encountering circulating antigens. Immune complexes then deposit in tissues (especially blood vessels and glomeruli), induce complement activation, and result in tissue injury." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:189 ! hypersensitivity disease [Term] id: MPATH:193 name: type IV hypersensitivity def: "An antigen-elicited cellular immune reaction that results in tissue damage, but does not require Ab participation. The response is seen at the area of contact." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:189 ! hypersensitivity disease [Term] id: MPATH:194 name: immune mediated disease def: "Tissue response to inappropriate immune/inflammatory process." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:188 ! immunopathology [Term] id: MPATH:195 name: arthritis def: "Inflammation of a joint." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:196 name: dermatitis def: "Inflammation of the skin." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:197 name: glomerulonephritis def: "Renal disease characterised by diffuse inflammatory changes in glomeruli not in response to an infectious agent or treatment." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:198 name: immune mediated hemolytic anaemia def: "An anemic/erythrocytopenic condition resulting from an increased rate of immune mediated erythrocyte destruction." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:199 name: immune mediated thrombocytopenia def: "A condition resulting from an increased rate of immune mediated platelet destruction." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:200 name: myositis def: "Inflammation of a muscle." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Initis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:201 name: vasculitis def: "Inflammation of a blood vessel." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "angiitis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "arteritis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "lymphangiitis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "phlebitis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:202 name: immunodeficiency disease def: "Defective immune response; can be primary due to defect in immune system or secondary/acquired due to disease." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:188 ! immunopathology [Term] id: MPATH:206 name: primary immunodeficiency disease def: "Disease due to primary molecular or cellular defect in the immune system or its development." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:202 ! immunodeficiency disease [Term] id: MPATH:207 name: immunodeficiency - lymphoid defect def: "Primary defect in the lymphoid arm of the immune system." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:206 ! primary immunodeficiency disease [Term] id: MPATH:208 name: immunodeficiency - myeloid/phagocytic defect def: "Primary defect in the myeloid arm of the immune system." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:206 ! primary immunodeficiency disease [Term] id: MPATH:209 name: secondary immunodeficiency disease def: "Defect in the immune system subsequent to external injury, infection, ablation or deficiency." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:202 ! immunodeficiency disease [Term] id: MPATH:210 name: acquired immunodeficiency def: "Defect in the immune system subsequent to external injury, infection or ablation." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:209 ! secondary immunodeficiency disease [Term] id: MPATH:211 name: failed transfer of maternal immunoglobulin def: "Defect in the immune system subsequent to failure to attain passive immunity from maternal transfer of immunoglobulins." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:209 ! secondary immunodeficiency disease [Term] id: MPATH:212 name: inflammation def: "A tissue reaction to an internal or external injury." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:194 ! immune mediated disease [Term] id: MPATH:213 name: acute inflammation def: "Inflammation with a recent onset, characterised histologically by primarily granulocyte infiltration, edema and hyperemia." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:The five classical signs of inflammation: Rubor, tumor, calor, dolor, functio laesa (Galen 300BC).[] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:214 name: chronic inflammation def: "Chronic inflammatory condition characterised by infiltration of primarily lymphocytes." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:215 name: granulomatous inflammation def: "Nodular inflammatory reaction, containing compactly grouped epithelioid cells, giant cells, and other macrophages. The basic inflammatory unit is termed a granuloma." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:216 name: necrotic inflammation def: "Acute inflammatory reaction in which the predominant histological change is rapid diffuse necrosis throughout the affected tissue." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:218 name: neoplasm def: "A tumor resulting from abnormal and uncontrolled autonomous new cell growth (proliferation)that may be benign or malignant." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:603 ! pathological anatomical entity [Term] id: MPATH:219 name: adnexal and skin appendage tumor def: "Tumors of the skin, its constituent structures and glands including the mammary gland, apocrine and eccrine glands, hair follicles and associated structures." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:220 name: apocrine adenocarcinoma def: "Carcinoma of the glandular epithelium of apocrine glands (M-8401/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:221 name: apocrine adenoma def: "Benign neoplasm of the epithelium of apocrine glands (M-8401/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:222 name: ceruminous adenocarcinoma def: "Malignant carcinoma of the ceruminous gland (M-8420/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:223 name: ceruminous adenoma def: "Benign adenomatous neoplasia of the ceruminous glands of the external auditory meatus (M-8420/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:224 name: clear cell hidradenoma def: "Tumor derived from eccrine sweat glands composed of clear glycogen rich cells. ( M-84020 )." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Eccrine acrospiroma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "nodular hidradenoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:225 name: eccrine gland adenocarcinoma def: "Malignant neoplasm of the eccrine gland (M-8413/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:226 name: eccrine gland adenoma def: "Benign neoplasm of the eccrine gland (M-8408/0)." [:Papillary adenoma] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:227 name: eccrine papillary adenoma def: "Papillary form of eccrine sweat gland adenoma. (M -8408/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "benign neoplasm of the eccrine gland, papillary form [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Papillary adenoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:228 name: papillary hidradenoma def: "Benign apocrine sweat gland tumor (8405/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Hidradenoma papilliferum [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:229 name: sebaceous adenocarcinoma def: "Malignant neoplasm of the sebaceous cells - rare areas of differentiation, severe nuclear atypia (M-8410/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "sebaceous carcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:230 name: sebaceous adenoma def: "Adenoma of sebaceous cells; regular architecture of gland not mantained. Large numbers of immature germinative cells present. Mitoses. (M-8410/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Epithelioma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:231 name: syringoma def: "A benign, often multiple, sometimes eruptive neoplasm of the sweat gland ducts composed of very small round cysts. (M-8407/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor [Term] id: MPATH:232 name: trichoepithelioma def: "Multiple small benign nodules derived from basal cells of hair follicles enclosing small cornified cell containing cysts. (M-8100/0)." [URL:http\://] synonym: "benign [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Epithelioma adenoides cysticum [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "hair follicle tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:575 ! basaloid follicular neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:233 name: basal cell tumor def: "Well circumscribed tumor of the basal cells of the epidermis. Rare mitotic figures, benign. (M8147/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "basal cell adenoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Benign basal cell tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:234 name: basal cell carcinoma def: "Malignant neoplasm of the basal cells of the epidermis with local invasion. (M-8090/3)." [URL:http\://] is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma is_a: MPATH:575 ! basaloid follicular neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:235 name: blood vessel tumor def: "Tumor of venous or arterial vessels or capillaries." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:236 name: angiofibroma def: ".A benign neoplasm of fibrous tissue in which there are multiple large and small dilated vascular channels ( M9160/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Telangiectatic fibroma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:235 ! blood vessel tumor [Term] id: MPATH:237 name: angiokeratoma def: "An intradermal capillary telangiectasis with hyperkeratosis and acanthosis (M-9141/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "keratoangioma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "telangiectasia verrucosa [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "telangiectatic wart [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:235 ! blood vessel tumor [Term] id: MPATH:238 name: hemangioblastoma def: "A benign neoplasm frequently arising in the cerebellum composed of capillary vessel forming endothelial cells and stromal cells. (M-9161/1)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Angioblastoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:235 ! blood vessel tumor [Term] id: MPATH:240 name: hemangioma def: "Neoplasm derived from endothelial cells. May be of capillary or cavernous type with large vascular channels. (M-9130/0 + M-9120/0 respectively)." [PMID:8569146] synonym: "Angioendothelioma. [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Hemangioendothelioma, benign [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:235 ! blood vessel tumor [Term] id: MPATH:241 name: hemangiopericytoma def: "A vascular, usually benign, neoplasm composed of round and spindle cells derived from the pericytes and surround endothelium-lined vessels. (M-9150/0/1/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Pericytoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:235 ! blood vessel tumor [Term] id: MPATH:242 name: hemangiosarcoma def: "Malignant neoplasm derived from pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells or endothelial cells of blood vessels. (M-9120/3)." [PMID:8569146] synonym: "hemangioendothelioma malignant, angiosarcoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "hemangioendothelioma malignant. [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Hemangioma malignant [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:235 ! blood vessel tumor is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:243 name: central nervous system tumor def: "Neoplasm of the neurones, glia or meninges of the CNS." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:244 name: astrocytoma def: "Glioma derived from astrocytes, both benign and malignant forms (M-9400/3)." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] comment:Also see comments in Weiss, W.W, Israel, M. Cobbs, C., et al. (2002) Oncogene 21, 7453-7463.[] synonym: "Astrocytic glioma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "astroglioma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:249 ! glioma [Term] id: MPATH:245 name: choroid plexus carcinoma def: "Malignant neoplasm derived from the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus. (M-9390/3)." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma is_a: MPATH:565 ! tumors of neurepithelial tissue [Term] id: MPATH:246 name: choroid plexus papilloma def: "Benign neoplasm derived from the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus. (M-9390/0)." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] is_a: MPATH:264 ! fibroepithelial tumor is_a: MPATH:565 ! tumors of neurepithelial tissue [Term] id: MPATH:247 name: ependymoma def: "Neoplasm derived from the ependymal cells lining the ventricles and aqueduct of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord. Malignant or benign. (M-9391/3)." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] comment:Also see general scheme in Weiss, W.W, Israel, M. Cobbs, C., et al. (2002) Oncogene 21, 7453-7463.[] is_a: MPATH:249 ! glioma [Term] id: MPATH:249 name: glioma def: "Neoplasm derived from astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. (M-9380/3, M-9440/3)." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] comment:Also see comments in: Weiss, W.W, Israel, M. Cobbs, C., et al. (2002) Oncogene 21, 7453-7463.[] is_a: MPATH:565 ! tumors of neurepithelial tissue [Term] id: MPATH:250 name: medulloblastoma def: "Neoplasm derived from the primitive neurectodermal cells of the cerebellum. (M-9470/3). May be considered by some authorities a synonym of PNET in the CNS." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] comment:Also see Weiss, W.W, Israel, M. Cobbs, C., et al. (2002) Oncogene 21, 7453-7463.[] is_a: MPATH:373 ! CNS progenitor tumor [Term] id: MPATH:251 name: meningioma def: "meningioma" [ISBN-13:9783794515530] comment:Benign or malignant neoplasm derived from the meninges. (M-9530/0).[] synonym: "Sarcoma, meningeal ( sensu malignant tumor) [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:566 ! tumors of the meninges [Term] id: MPATH:252 name: oligodendroglioma def: "Benign or malignant neoplasm derived form oligodendrocytes (M-9450/3)." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] comment:Also see Weiss, W.W, Israel, M. Cobbs, C., et al. (2002) Oncogene 21, 7453-7463.[] synonym: "glioma oligodendritic, malignant [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Glioma, oligodendritic, benign [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:249 ! glioma [Term] id: MPATH:253 name: sub-ependymoma def: "Neoplasm derived from sub-ependymal astrocytes (M-9383/1)." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] comment:Also see general scheme in Weiss, W.W, Israel, M. Cobbs, C., et al. (2002) Oncogene 21, 7453-7463.[] is_a: MPATH:249 ! glioma [Term] id: MPATH:254 name: complex tumor def: "Tumors showing mutiple histological componants/differentiation." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:255 name: adenoacanthoma def: "Mixed tumor of glandular epithelia with squamous and glandular diffferentiation. (M-8570/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "adenoid squamous cell carcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor [Term] id: MPATH:256 name: carcinosarcoma def: "Possible origin from smooth muscle cells or pluripotential embryonic mesenchymal cells. May show up to three cellular componants including carcinoma and sarcoma type appearances. (M-8980/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:257 name: craniopharyngioma def: "A benign or malignant neoplasm, which may be cystic, developing from the epithelium of Rathke`s pouch and occuring with or close to the pituitary gland. (M-9350/1)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Erdheim tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Pituitary adamantinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "pituitary ameloblastoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Rathke pouch tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "suprasellar cyst [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor [Term] id: MPATH:258 name: mesodermal mixed tumor def: "Neoplasm showing multiple phases, derived from mesoderm (M-8951/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor [Term] id: MPATH:259 name: mucoepidermoid carcinoma def: "Most commonly a salivary gland carcinoma of low grade malignancy composed of mucous, epidermoid, and intermediate cells. (M-8430/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor [Term] id: MPATH:260 name: mullerian mixed tumor def: "Neoplasm usually of the uterus or adnexae containing carcinomatous and sarcomatous elements, sometimes with third or fourth components. (M-8950/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor [Term] id: MPATH:261 name: nephroblastoma def: "Embryonal tumor thought to be derived from metanephric blastema. Mono, bi or triphasic, sometimes with heterotypic differentiation. (M-8960/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "nephroma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor [Term] id: MPATH:262 name: pulmonary blastoma def: "A biphasic tumor containing a primitive epithelial component, that may resemble well-differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma and a primitive mesenchymal stroma, which occasionally has foci of osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma or rhadomyosarcoma. (M-8972/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor [Term] id: MPATH:263 name: rhabdoid sarcoma def: "Sarcomatous tumors, presenting a wide histological, ultrastructural, and immunocytochemical spectrum. M-8963/3." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Malignant rhabdoid tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:264 name: fibroepithelial tumor def: "Tumors with epithelial invaginations/linings and a fibrillary and fibrocytic stroma. (M-9000 - M-9030)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:265 name: adenofibroma def: "A benign neoplasm composed of glandular and fibrous tissues, predominantly glandular. (M-9013/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Cystadenofibroma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "papillary adenofibroma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:264 ! fibroepithelial tumor [Term] id: MPATH:266 name: fibroadenoma def: "A benign neoplasm derived from glandular epithelium, in which there is a abundant stroma of proliferating fibroblasts and connective tissue. (M-9010/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:264 ! fibroepithelial tumor [Term] id: MPATH:267 name: glandular tumor def: "Neoplasms derived from glandular epithelial cells." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:268 name: adenocarcinoma def: "Malignant neoplasm of epithelial cells in glandular or glandlike pattern. (M-8140/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:269 name: adenocarcinoma in situ def: "A noninvasive abnormal proliferation of glands believed to precede the appearance of invasive adenocarcinoma. (M-8140/2)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma is_a: MPATH:556 ! potentially cancerous lesions [Term] id: MPATH:270 name: adenoma def: "A benign epithelial neoplasm in which the tumor cells may form glands or glandlike structures. In different instances this may remain a benign tumor or progress to malignancy." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor is_a: MPATH:556 ! potentially cancerous lesions [Term] id: MPATH:271 name: adenomatous polyposis coli def: "Spontaneous intestinal adenoma formation. Polyps increase in number, causing symptoms of chronic colitis and potentially transform into adenocarcinoma. (M-8220/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor is_a: MPATH:556 ! potentially cancerous lesions [Term] id: MPATH:272 name: bronchioloalveolar adenoma def: "Benign epithelial neoplasm of the lung. (M-8140/1) in MMHCC classification." [PMID:15059877] xref: URL: synonym: "Bronchial adenoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Bronchial adenoma, BA adenoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:273 name: bronchioloalveolar carcinoma def: "Malignant epithelial neoplasm of the lung. (M-8250/3), of MMHCC classification." [PMID:15059877] xref: URL: synonym: "Bronchioloalveolar adenocarcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Bronchioloalveolar adenocarcinoma, bronchioalveolar carcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:274 name: clear cell adenocarcinoma def: "An adenocarcinoma characterised by the presence of varying combinations of clear and hobnail-shaped tumor cells. (M-8310/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:275 name: comedocarcinoma def: "Form of carcinoma of the breast or other organ in which plugs of necrotic malignant cells are present in the ducts. (M -8501/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:276 name: cystadenocarcinoma def: "Malignant neoplasm derived from glandular epithelium, in which cystic accumulations of retained secretions are formed. (M-8440/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:277 name: cystadenoma def: "A benign neoplasm derived from glandular epithelium, in which cystic accumulations of retained secretions are formed. (M-8440/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:278 name: follicular adenocarcinoma def: "Originates in the follicular cells of thyroid follicles. Papillary, solid and follicular forms. (M- 8330/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Follicular carcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:279 name: follicular adenoma def: "Adenoma derived from the follicular cells of the thyroid follicles. Follicular, paipillary and solid forms. M- 8330/0." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:280 name: Harderian gland adenoma def: "Adenoma derived from acinar epithelium of the harderian gland. Papillary, cystic, cystic-papillary and acinar forms." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:281 name: Harderian gland carcinoma def: "Malignant tumor derived form acinar epithelium of the Harderian gland." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:282 name: infiltrating duct carcinoma def: "Derived from the mammary ductal epithelium and penetrating the stroma (M-8500/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "duct adenocarcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "ductal carcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Infiltrating ductal adenocarcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:284 name: intraductal papillary carcinoma def: "Infiltrating tumor with papillary morphology derived from the breast epithelium (M-8503/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Intraductal papillary adenocarcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:285 name: intraductal papilloma def: "Benign papilloma arising from ductal epithelium (M- 8503/0 )." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Duct adenoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "ductal papilloma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor is_a: MPATH:445 ! papilloma relationship: part_of MPATH:286 ! intraductal papillomatosis [Term] id: MPATH:286 name: intraductal papillomatosis def: "Diffuse multiple adenomatous papillomas derived from the ductal epithelium of the breast. (M- 8505/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Diffuse intraductal papillomatosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor [Term] id: MPATH:287 name: islet cell adenoma def: "Usually pancreatic B cell derived tumors mostly producing insulin. (M- 8150/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Adenoma, endocrine pancreas [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "adenomatosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "islet (pancreatic) cell tumor benign [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:288 name: islet cell carcinoma def: "Rare tumor of the islets of Langerhans, most of which produce insulin. (M- 8150/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Adenocarcinoma, endocrine pancreas [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "islet cell tumor, malignant [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:289 name: lobular carcinoma def: "A form of breast adenocarcinoma derived from lobular cells. (M-8520/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Lobular adenocarcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "lobular infiltrating carcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:290 name: lobular carcinoma in situ def: "Non-infiltrating form of lobular adenocarcinoma derived from the ductal epithelium. (M-8520/2)." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "mammary intra-epithelial neoplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor is_a: MPATH:556 ! potentially cancerous lesions [Term] id: MPATH:291 name: medullary carcinoma def: "Derived from calcitonin-producing cells (thyroid). In humans a type of carcinoma composed of epithelial elements with considerable lymphoid stroma (breast). Not yet reported in mice. (M-8510/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Medullary adenocarcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:292 name: mucinous cystadenocarcinoma def: "Malignant neoplasm derived from a glandular epithelium, eg. Ovary. Consisting of a solid to cystic mass lined with cuboidal pleomorphic epithelial cells producing a mucinous material. (M- 8470/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:276 ! cystadenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:293 name: mucinous cystadenoma def: "A benign neoplasm derived from glandular epithelium, in which cystic accumulations of mucinous retained secretions are formed. (M-8470/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:294 name: myoepithelioma def: "Tumor originating in myoepithelial cells of exocrine glandular structures; for example mammary gland, salivary gland and preputial/clitoral glands. (M-8982/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "myoepithelial adenoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:295 name: papillary adenocarcinoma def: "A malignant neoplasm derived from a glandular epithelium, in which solid tumors show papillary structures projecting onto fibrovascular stroma. (M-8260/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:296 name: papillary adenoma def: "A benign neoplasm derived from a glandular epithelium, in which solid tumors show papillary structures projecting onto fibrovascular stroma. (M-8260/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:297 name: papillary cystadenocarcinoma def: "A malignant neoplasm derived from glandular epithelium, in which cysts contain folds or papillary projections into the lumen. (M-8450/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:276 ! cystadenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:298 name: papillary cystadenoma def: "A benign neoplasm derived from glandular epithelium, in which cysts contain folds or papillary projections into the lumen. (M-8450/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:299 name: pinealoma def: "Originating from differentiated cells of the pineal parenchyma. Not to be confused with human pinealoma (syn: germinoma) non-gonadal germ cell tumors found in the pineal believed to be atypical teratomas. May be benign or malignant. If ectopic teratomas/teratocarcinomas use MP322 or MP321. (M-9360/1)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor [Term] id: MPATH:300 name: pineoblastoma def: "Malignant neoplasms which arise from pineoblasts, the primitive pineal stem cells. (M-9362/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Mixed pineal tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "pineal parenchymal tumor of intermediate differentiation [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "transitional pineal tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor [Term] id: MPATH:301 name: pineocytoma def: "A tumor arising in the pineal gland that resembles normal pineal parenchyma. (M-9361/1)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor [Term] id: MPATH:302 name: pituicytoma def: "Benign tumor derived from the pituicytes ( glial cells of neurohypophysis) (M-8272/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "pituitary adenoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:303 name: pseudomyxoma peritonei def: "Tumor characterized by extensive spread of a mucin-secreting neoplasm along the peritoneal surfaces (M-8480/6)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor [Term] id: MPATH:304 name: serous adenocarcinoma def: "Adenocarcinoma from a serous gland producing and containing serous proteinaceous secretions (M-8441/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:305 name: serous cystadenoma def: "Ovarian cystadenoma composed of cells similar to tubal epithelium (M-8441/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:306 name: signet ring cell carcinoma def: "Adenocarcinoma of signet ring type arising from exocrine cells of the gastric mucosa or enterocytes of intestinal mucosa. (M-8490/3)." [PMID:12612914] synonym: "Signet ring cell adenocarcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "signet ring cell carcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:307 name: thyroid C-cell adenoma def: "Benign neoplasm derived from the calcitonin producing C-cells of the thyroid gland." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Adenoma, parafollicular cell [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "tumor c-cell benign [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:308 name: thyroid C-cell carcinoma def: "Malignant neoplasm derived from the calcitonin producing C-cells of the thyroid gland. (M-8510/3, M-8345/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Medullary carcinoma, parafollicular cell [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "tumor c-cell malignant [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:309 name: gonadal tumor def: "Germ cell and non-germ cell tumors of the testis and ovary." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:310 name: germ cell tumor def: "Neoplasms derived from germ cells. May be gonadal or extragonadal and are derived from primordial germ cells." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:309 ! gonadal tumor [Term] id: MPATH:311 name: dermoid cyst def: "Cystic ovarian teratomas with different mature cell types (M-9084/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor is_a: MPATH:310 ! germ cell tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:312 name: dysgerminoma def: "Undifferentiated germ cell tumor of the ovary composed of solid sheets of large polygonal cells with rim of clear cytoplasm (M-9060/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Seminoma (sensu male) [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:310 ! germ cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:313 name: embryonal carcinoma def: "Germ cell derived malignant neoplasm of the testis or ovary, composed of anaplastic cells with indistinct cellular borders and large ovoid, round, or bean-shaped nuclei that may have large nucleoli. (M-9070/3 )." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:310 ! germ cell tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:314 name: endodermal sinus tumor def: "Germ cell derived tumors resembling parietal or visceral yolk sac endoderm derivatives. Abundant eosinophilic matrix surrounding nests and cords of neoplastic cells. (M-9071-3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Yolk sac carcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:310 ! germ cell tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:315 name: gonadoblastoma def: "Gonadal neoplasms that consist of aggregates of germ cells and sex cord elements (M-9073/1)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Gonocytoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:310 ! germ cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:316 name: mixed germ cell tumor def: "Malignant neoplasm of the testis/ovary including various elements of germ cell tumors (M-9085/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Mixed teratoma and seminoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor is_a: MPATH:310 ! germ cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:317 name: seminoma def: "Tumor derived from spermatogenic cells resembling spermatogenia or spermatocytes. NOS ( M9061/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "dysgerminoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Germinoma, malignant [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "spermatoblastoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "spermatocytoma, malignant. [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:310 ! germ cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:318 name: classical seminoma def: "As MPATH:317, but not spermatocytic (M-9061/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:317 ! seminoma [Term] id: MPATH:319 name: spermatocytic seminoma def: "Neoplasm of the testis usually found within the tubule. Some debate as to whether it is of germ cell origin in contrast to classical seminoma. Three types of cells are identified in spermatocytic seminomas: those with small, intermediate, and large nuclei in humans. (M-9063/3)." [:Walt; H.; Oosterhuis; J.W. and Stevens; L.C. (1993) Int J Androl; 16; 267-271] synonym: "Spermatoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:317 ! seminoma [Term] id: MPATH:320 name: struma ovarii def: "Rare ovarian tumor, regarded as monodermal teratoma, in which thyroid tissue has surpassed the other elements; occasionally associated with hyperthyroidism (M-9090/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:310 ! germ cell tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:321 name: teratocarcinoma def: "Mixed germ cell neoplasm contaning elements of embryonal carcinoma and teratoma (M-9081/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor is_a: MPATH:310 ! germ cell tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:322 name: teratoma def: "Generally benign germ cell derived tumors of male or female containing derivatives from all three germ layers with differentiation in the malignant form being poor. Malignant tumors are highly metatstatic. (M-9080/1)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor is_a: MPATH:310 ! germ cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:323 name: gonadal somatic cell tumor def: "Neoplasms derived from the non-germ cell derived tissues of the testis and ovary." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:309 ! gonadal tumor [Term] id: MPATH:326 name: granulosa cell tumor def: ". Derived from sex cord stromal cells. In male thought to be Sertoli cells. (M- 8620/1)." [PMID:9789961] synonym: "gynoblastoma (sensu malignant form in ovary) [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Tumor, sex cord stromal, benign, granulosa cell type [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:323 ! gonadal somatic cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:328 name: leydig cell tumor def: "Tumor derived from Leydig cells (M-8650/1)." [Mahler M; Sundberg JP ( 1997) Spontaneous Leydig cell tumors in inbred laboratory mice Lab Animal Science 47:148-52] synonym: "Interstitial cell tumor, benign [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Leydig cell adenoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:323 ! gonadal somatic cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:329 name: luteal cell tumor def: "Tumor derived from sex cords composed of highly luteinised cells with extensive pale granular cytoplasm. (M- 8610/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "luteinised granulosa cell tumor, benign. Gonadal sex cord stromal tumor, benign, luteoma type [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Luteoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:323 ! gonadal somatic cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:330 name: ovarian stromal tumor def: "Tumor consists of a mixture of granulosa, luteal thecal, Sertoli and stromal cells. (M-8590/1)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor is_a: MPATH:323 ! gonadal somatic cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:331 name: sertoli cell tumor def: "Tumor derived from sex cord/stromal cells; Sertoli cells and can occur in both testis and ovary. (M-8640/1)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Androblastoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "arrhenoblastoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "gonadal stromal tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "sex cord stromal tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "sustentacluar tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:323 ! gonadal somatic cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:332 name: sertoli-leydig cell tumor def: "Tumor of the ovary or testis containing granulosa or theca cell elements with a tubular componant of Sertoli cell type and producing simultaneous androgenic and estrogenic effects. (M-8631/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Gynandroblastoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:323 ! gonadal somatic cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:334 name: thecoma def: "Derived from sex cord stromal cells, spindle shaped cells arranged in whorls or interlacing bundles. (M- 8600/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Fibrothecoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "theca cell tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:323 ! gonadal somatic cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:335 name: hematopoietic/lymphoid malignancies/disorder def: "Proliferative disorders and malignancies of the lymphoid and non lymphoid haematopoietic lineages." [URL:http\://] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:337 name: erythroid leukaemia def: "Leukaemia with at least 50% of nucleated erythroid cells infiltrating haematopoietic tissue." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:496 ! Non-Lymphoid leukaemias [Term] id: MPATH:340 name: megakaryocytic leukaemia def: "Leukaemia with at least 50% of megakaryocytic cells infiltrating haematopoietic tissue." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:496 ! Non-Lymphoid leukaemias [Term] id: MPATH:341 name: myelodysplastic disorder def: "Haematopoietic proliferation with evidence of trilineage dysplasia. Less than 20% should be blasts." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:508 ! myeloid dysplasias [Term] id: MPATH:342 name: myeloid leukaemia def: "Leukaemias of the myeloid lineage." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: synonym: "granulocytic leukaemia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:496 ! Non-Lymphoid leukaemias [Term] id: MPATH:346 name: autoimmune mediated disease def: "autoimmune mediated disease" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:194 ! immune mediated disease [Term] id: MPATH:351 name: thymoma def: "A neoplasm in the anterior mediastinum, originating from thymic tissue, usually benign, and frequently encapsulated; occasionally invasive, but metastases are rare; histologically, consists of any type of thymic epithelial cell as well as lymphocytes that are usually abundant. (M-8580/1)." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:352 name: hepatic tumor def: "Tumors of the liver and biliary apparatus." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:353 name: hepatocellular adenoma def: "Benign neoplasm derived from hepatocytes. (M- 8170/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "hepatic adenoma, benign, liver cell tumor, benign [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "hepatoma, benign [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "nodule type A [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma is_a: MPATH:352 ! hepatic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:354 name: cholangiocarcinoma def: "Malignant tumor derived from the bile duct epithelium. (M8160/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:352 ! hepatic tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:355 name: cholangiofibroma def: "Develops from cholangiofibrosis, fibrosis of the biliary ducts and is only potentially malignant." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:352 ! hepatic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:356 name: hepatoblastoma def: "Malignant neoplasm of the liver of unknown origin . Liver blastemal cells, neoplastic hepatocytes, oval cells and biliary epithelial cells have been proposed. (M- 8970/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "embryonal hepatoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "tumor, mixed, poorly differentiated [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:352 ! hepatic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:357 name: hepatocellular carcinoma def: "Malignant tumor derived from hepatocytes. (M- 8170/3)." [Book: Bannasche; P and Zerban; H. Preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the rat iver. In; Pathology of neoplasia and preneoplasia in rodents; P. Bannasch and W. Goessner; Editors. 1997. Schattauer; Stuttgart. p. 18-63] synonym: "carcinoma, trabecular [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "carcinoma, trabecular (liver) [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "hepatoma, malignant [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "nodule type B [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:352 ! hepatic tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:358 name: melanocytic tumor def: "Tumors derived from melanocytes." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor [Term] id: MPATH:359 name: melanoma def: "Tumor of neurectodermal origin, usually melanocytes, showing dense deposition of melanin granules, although amelanotic melanomas have been reported. (M-8720/3)." [Book: Klein-Szanto; A.J.; Neoplastic and preneoplastic lesions of the mouse skin; in Pathology of neoplasia and preneoplasia in rodents; P. Bannasch and W. Goessner; Editors. 1997. Schattauer; Stuttgart. p. 1-18] xref: URL: synonym: "melanosarcoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "melanosarcoma, malignant melanoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:358 ! melanocytic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:360 name: melanoma in situ def: "A potentially malignant lesion, melanoma in situ is the first phase of growth of melanoma, in which it is still confined to the epithelial domain (epidermis and adnexa) and has not passed through the basement membrane. (M-8720/2)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "level I melanoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:358 ! melanocytic tumor is_a: MPATH:556 ! potentially cancerous lesions [Term] id: MPATH:361 name: naevus def: "Local lesion of the skin, often colored by hyperpigmentation or increased vascularity. May be predominantly epidermal, adnexal, melanocytic, vascular, or mesodermal, or a compound overgrowth of these tissues. Not necessarily pre-malignant. (M-8720/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "mole (sensu melanocytic nevus) [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:358 ! melanocytic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:362 name: mesonephroma def: "Benign or malignant neoplasm of the ovary and corpus uteri, thought to originate in mesonephric structures. (M-9110/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "mesonephric adenocarcinoma, wolffian duct carcinoma, mesonephroid tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:363 name: mesonephric tumor def: "Tumor beleived to be derived from mesonephric remnants. (M-8310/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "mesonephroid clear cell adenocarcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:362 ! mesonephroma [Term] id: MPATH:365 name: mesothelioma def: "Benign or malignant neoplasm derived from the lining cells of the pleura and peritoneum, composed of spindle cells or fibrous tissue which may enclose glandlike spaces lined by cuboidal cells. Epithelioid, fibrous, cystis, papillary, and sarcomatoid variants. (M- 9050/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:366 name: neuroendocrine tumor def: "Neoplasms derived from the neuroendocrine system." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:367 name: carcinoid tumor def: "Carcinoid tumors are of neuroendocrine origin and derived from primitive stem cells. Found predominantly in the lung and gut they are capable of secreting a large range of substances and have a number of histological subtypes. May resemble but are distinct from small cell lung carcinoma in the lung. (M-8240/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:366 ! neuroendocrine tumor [Term] id: MPATH:370 name: primitive neurectodermal tumor def: "Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) are neoplasms derived from primitive neural stem cells either in the CNS or the periphery . These are small-cell, malignant embryonal tumors showing divergent differentiation of variable degree along neuronal, glial, or rarely mesenchymal lines. (M-9473/3, M-9364/3)." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] synonym: "PNET [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:373 ! CNS progenitor tumor is_a: MPATH:570 ! peripheral nervous system tumors [Term] id: MPATH:371 name: small cell carcinoma def: "Neuroendocrine cell derived anaplastic carcinoma composed of small cells, usually of the lung producing a variety of peptide hormones. (M-8041/3). of MMHCC classification." [PMID:15059877] comment:see: Meuwissen, R., Linn, S.C., Linnoila, R.I. et al. (2003) Induction of small cell lung cancer by somatic inactivation of both Trp53 and Rb1 in a conditional mouse model. Cancer cell, 4: 181-189. AND Calbo, J., Meuwissen, R., van Montfort, E. et al. (2005) Genotype-phenotype relationships in a mouse model for human small-cell lung cancer. Cold Spring Harbor symposia on quantitative biology, 70: 225-232. AND Meuwissen, R. and Berns, A. (2005) Mouse models for human lung cancer. Genes & development, 19: 643-664.[] xref: URL: synonym: "oat cell carcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:366 ! neuroendocrine tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:372 name: tumorlet def: "Small disseminated foci of atypical bronchiolar epithelial hyperplasia. Benign. (M- 8040/1)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:366 ! neuroendocrine tumor [Term] id: MPATH:373 name: CNS progenitor tumor def: "Neoplasms derived from neuroepithelial precursors." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:Renamed from neuroepitheliomatous tumor, to reflect primitive origins of this class of tumor.[] is_a: MPATH:565 ! tumors of neurepithelial tissue [Term] id: MPATH:374 name: esthesioneuroblastoma def: "A neoplasm of immature, poorly differentiated neuronal cells believed to arise from neuroepithelial precursors in the olfactory epithelium. (M- 9522/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "neuroblastoma, olfactory [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "neuroepithelial carcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "neuroepithelioma, olfactory [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:373 ! CNS progenitor tumor [Term] id: MPATH:375 name: ganglioneuroma def: "A benign neoplasm composed of mature ganglionic neurons scattered singly or in clumps within a relatively abundant and dense stroma of neurofibrils and collagenous fibers. (M-9490/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:570 ! peripheral nervous system tumors [Term] id: MPATH:376 name: neuroblastoma def: "A malignant neoplasm characterized by immature, poorly differentiated nerve cells of embryonic type. (M-9500/3)." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] is_a: MPATH:373 ! CNS progenitor tumor [Term] id: MPATH:377 name: pheochromocytoma def: "A catecholamine-secreting tumor arising from the chromaffin cells of the sympathetic nervous system or adrenal medulla. May be benign or malignant. . (M- 8510/3). [Pathbase: Pathology Committee]" [See MPATH 398] is_a: MPATH:366 ! neuroendocrine tumor [Term] id: MPATH:378 name: retinoblastoma def: "Malignant juvenile neoplasm of the eye derived from primitive retinal precursor cells. (M- 9510/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:373 ! CNS progenitor tumor [Term] id: MPATH:379 name: odontogenic tumor def: "Neoplasm arising from the tissues of the odontogenic apparatus. These tumors are derived from ectodermal tissue (epithelial tumors) or from mesodermal tissue (connective tissue tumors) or are composed of both components (mixed or composite odontogenic tumors) ." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:380 name: ameloblastic fibroma def: "A tumor consisting of proliferating strands and clumps of odontogenic epithelium in a highly cellular fibroblastic stroma resembling the dental papilla of developing teeth. The epithelial component are composed of peripheral cuboidal or cylindrical cells enclosing scant stellate cells. (M-9330/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:379 ! odontogenic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:381 name: ameloblastoma def: "Benign odontogenic epithelial neoplasm that histologically mimics the embryonic enamel organ but does not differentiate to the point of forming dental hard tissue. Histologically dominated by epithelial cells in a scant fibroblastic stroma. (M-9310/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:379 ! odontogenic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:382 name: cementifying fibroma def: "Benign neoplasm derived from pluripotential mesenchymal cells or cementoblasts. Well demarcated tumor occurring exclusively in the jaw containing spindle cells which undergo transformation to cuboidal cementoblasts forming multiple cementicle like bodies. ( M-9274/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "ossifying fibroma, cemento-ossifying fibroma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:379 ! odontogenic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:383 name: cementoblastoma def: "A neoplasm arising from the periodontal ligament (M-9273/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "True cementoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:379 ! odontogenic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:384 name: cementoma def: "Reactive fibro-osseous lesion derived from odotongenic cells in the periodontal ligament (M-9272/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:379 ! odontogenic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:385 name: dentinoma def: "Similar lesion to ameloblastic fibroma (MPATH380) , but also showing inductive changes that lead to the formation of dentine (M-9271/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "ameloblastic fibrodentinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:379 ! odontogenic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:387 name: odontoma def: "Hamartomatous malformation of odontogenic tissue. It may vary from nondescript masses of dental tissue (complex odontoma) to multiple well-formed teeth (compound odontoma). Cf ameloblastic fibro-odontoma. (M-9280/0)." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor is_a: MPATH:379 ! odontogenic tumor is_a: MPATH:74 ! hamartoma [Term] id: MPATH:388 name: osseous and chondromatous tumor def: "Neoplasms of bone and cartilage." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:389 name: chondroblastoma def: "A benign or malignant neoplasm occuring in the epiphyses of long bones, consisting of highly cellular tissue resembling embryonic cartilage. (M-9230/0, /3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:388 ! osseous and chondromatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:391 name: chondroma def: "A benign neoplasm derived from mesodermal cells that form cartilage composed of well differentiated hyaline cartilage (M-9220/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:388 ! osseous and chondromatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:392 name: chondrosarcoma def: "Malignant neoplasm derived form pluripotential mesenchymal cells, chondrocytes or chondroblasts. No production of osteoid. (M-9220/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:388 ! osseous and chondromatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:393 name: osteoblastoma def: "Generally benign osteogenic neoplasm of unknown aetiology. Aggressive form may be confused with osteosarcoma. NOT a syn for osteofibroma. (M-9200/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "giant osteoid osteoma, benign osteoblastoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:388 ! osseous and chondromatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:394 name: osteochondroma def: "Benign bone tumor characterized by hyaline cartilage capped bony growths that project from the surface of the affected bone. (M-9210/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "cartilaginous exostosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:388 ! osseous and chondromatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:395 name: osteofibroma def: "Benign neoplasm derived from pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells or osteoblasts composed of mature nbone trabelculae seperated by a stroma of spindle cells. (M- 9262/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:388 ! osseous and chondromatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:396 name: osteoma def: "Benign neoplasm derived from osteoblasts or osteocytes composed of very dense bone with predominantly woven structure. ( M-9180/0)." [Book: Luz; A and Gessner; W. ; Neoplastic bone lesions of the mouse; in Pathology of neoplasia and preneoplasia in rodents; P. Bannasch and W. Goessner; Editors. 1997. Schattauer; Stuttgart. p. 142-154] synonym: "cancellous osteoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "compact osteoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "juxtacortical osteoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "medullary osteoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "osteoid osteoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "spongious osteoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "trabecular osteoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:388 ! osseous and chondromatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:397 name: osteosarcoma def: "Malignant neoplasm derived form mesenchymal stem cells, osteoblasts or osteocytes. Highly invasive and destructive tumor rising in the skeleton with osteoid and immature woven bone. (M-9180/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "osteogenic sarcoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:388 ! osseous and chondromatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:398 name: paragangliomas and glomus tumor def: "Generally benign neoplasms of CHIEF cells arising from neuroectodermal tissues, found in various parts of the body. Note that until recently, glomus tumors were believed to be derived from specialised vascular cells, which is incorrect. Paraganglioma is the preferred term.The nomenclature for pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma is inconsistent. The term paraganglioma is used to refer to any extra-adrenal tumor of the paraganglion system or nonfunctional tumor of the paraganglion system. Functional tumors are referred extra-adrenal pheochromocytoma." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:366 ! neuroendocrine tumor [Term] id: MPATH:399 name: aortic body tumor def: "Paraganglioma arising in the CHIEF cells of the aortic body (M-8691/1)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "aortic body paraganglioma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:398 ! paragangliomas and glomus tumor [Term] id: MPATH:400 name: carotid body tumor def: "Paraganglioma arising in the CHIEF cells of the carotid body (M-8692/1)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "carotid body paraganglioma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:398 ! paragangliomas and glomus tumor [Term] id: MPATH:401 name: glomus jugulare tumor def: "A glomus tumor arising from the chief cells of the paraganglia ( neurectodermal derivatives) , or glomus bodies, located within the wall (adventitia) of the jugular bulb. (8690/1)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:398 ! paragangliomas and glomus tumor [Term] id: MPATH:403 name: paraganglioma def: "A neoplasm composed of derivatives of CHIEF cells usually in single encapsulated nodular masses surrounded with sustentacular cells. ( M- 8711/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "chemodectomas [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "glomus tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "non-chromaffin paragangliomas [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:398 ! paragangliomas and glomus tumor [Term] id: MPATH:404 name: soft tissue tumor def: "Neoplasms of the soft and connective tissues." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:405 name: chordoma def: "Believed to arise from primitive notochord remnants . Usually occurs along the axial skeleton and is characterised by the presence of bubble cells containing large unstained cytoplasmic vacuoles with central or eccentricc nuclei. Benign but locally invasive. (M-9370/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:404 ! soft tissue tumor [Term] id: MPATH:406 name: dermatofibrosarcoma def: "Highly recurrent, infiltrative skin tumors of intermediate malignancy derived from fibroblasts/fibrocytes. Human condition dermatofibrosarcoma protruberans (M-8832/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:404 ! soft tissue tumor is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:407 name: fibroma def: "Benign neoplasm of fibroblasts/fibrocytes with poor/moderate cellularity. (M-8810/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:Soft tissue qualifier removed by Pathology Panel to increase scope of term.[] is_a: MPATH:404 ! soft tissue tumor is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:408 name: soft tissue fibrosarcoma def: "Malignant tumor derived from pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells; fibroblasts, fibrocytes (M-8810/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "fibrosarcoma EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:404 ! soft tissue tumor is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:409 name: fibrous histiocytoma def: "Benign or maligant tumor derived from pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells showing fibrous and histiocytic differentiation (M-8830/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:404 ! soft tissue tumor [Term] id: MPATH:410 name: giant cell tumor of soft tissue def: "Malignant or benign tumor of pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells giving rise to large multinucleated cells (M- 9251/1)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "giant cell fibrous histiocytoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:404 ! soft tissue tumor [Term] id: MPATH:412 name: alveolar soft part sarcoma def: "Malignant tumor of unknown origin though probably myogenic due to expression of MyoD and other myogenic lineage markers. Consists of grouped polygonal tumor cells with granular eosinophilic cytoplasm arranged in an organ-like configuration separated by thin fibrovascular septa. Central areas within these nests of cells become necrotic, and the loss of architecture produces an alveolar appearance. (M-9581/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:404 ! soft tissue tumor is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:413 name: granular cell tumor def: "Large polygonal or round cell tumors with abundant acidophilic cytoplasm containing PAS positive granules. Found especially in the uterine cervix. Aetiology unknown. (M-9580/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "myoblastoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:423 ! myomatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:415 name: lipomatous tumor def: "Tumors derived from the lipogenic lineage or showing predominantly lipomatous differentiation." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:404 ! soft tissue tumor [Term] id: MPATH:416 name: angiomyolipoma def: "Benign renal neoplasm composed of fat, vascular, and smooth muscle elements. Associated with tuberous sclerosis in humans. Aetiology unknown, but the combination of elements may reflect a lesion specific pattern of metaplasia. (M-8860/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor is_a: MPATH:415 ! lipomatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:417 name: lipoma def: "Benign neoplasia derived from lipoblasts or lipocytes of white or brown fat. May be angiomatous or hibernomatous. (M- 8850/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:415 ! lipomatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:418 name: liposarcoma def: "Malignant neoplasms which probably originate in primitive mesenchymal stem cell populations differentiating down a lipomatous pathway. (M-8850/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:415 ! lipomatous tumor is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:419 name: lymphatic vessel tumor def: "Neoplasms of the lymphatic vessels." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:404 ! soft tissue tumor [Term] id: MPATH:420 name: lymphangioma def: "Benign hamartomatous malformation of the lymphatic ducts. Usually found in the skin and may be superficial or deep. (M-9170/0)." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "Hygroma BROAD[ISBN:0-19-261976-4]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:419 ! lymphatic vessel tumor is_a: MPATH:74 ! hamartoma [Term] id: MPATH:421 name: lymphangiomyomatosis def: "Characterized by benign peribronchial, perivascular, and perilymphatic proliferation of atypical smooth muscle resulting in vascular and airway obstruction, cyst formation, and a progressive decline in lung function. (M- 9174/1)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Lymphangioleiomyomatosis. [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:419 ! lymphatic vessel tumor [Term] id: MPATH:422 name: lymphangiosarcoma def: "A malignant neoplasm derived from vascular tissue in which the neoplastic cells originate from the endothelial cells of lymphatic vessels. (M-9170/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:419 ! lymphatic vessel tumor is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:423 name: myomatous tumor def: "Neoplasms derived from myogenic lineages or predominantly composed of cells showing myomatous differentiation." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:404 ! soft tissue tumor [Term] id: MPATH:424 name: intravascular leiomyomatosis def: "Benign leiomyoma that invades vascular spaces. (M-8890/1)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:423 ! myomatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:425 name: leiomyoma def: "Benign neoplasm derived from smooth muscle cells. (M-8890/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:423 ! myomatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:426 name: leiomyosarcoma def: "Malignant tumor derived form pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells or smooth muscle cells. (M- 8890/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:423 ! myomatous tumor is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:428 name: rhabdomyosarcoma def: "Malignant tumor of striated muscle or pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells. (M-8900/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:423 ! myomatous tumor is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:429 name: myxomatous tumor def: "Neoplasms resembling primitive mesenchymal tissue with a soft mucous matrix." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:404 ! soft tissue tumor [Term] id: MPATH:430 name: angiomyxoma def: "Angiomyxoma is a poorly circumscribed, slowly growing lesion composed of spindle-shaped and stellate cells evenly distributed in an abundant myxoid matrix. The lesion contains numerous vessels, often showing some hyalinization of their walls, and occasionally surrounded by a few smooth muscle cells. Immunohistochemically, tumor cells may express desmin and/ or smooth muscle actin (M-8841/1)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:429 ! myxomatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:431 name: myxoma def: "A benign neoplasm derived from pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells of connective tissue, consisting chiefly of polyhedral and stellate cells that are loosely embedded in a soft mucoid matrix. May show multiple differentiated components. (M-8840/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:429 ! myxomatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:432 name: myxosarcoma def: "A malignant neoplasm derived from pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells of connective tissue, consisting chiefly of polyhedral and stellate cells that are loosely embedded in a soft mucoid matrix. (M-8840/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:429 ! myxomatous tumor is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:433 name: nerve sheath tumor def: "Neoplasms of the nerve sheath." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:404 ! soft tissue tumor is_a: MPATH:570 ! peripheral nervous system tumors [Term] id: MPATH:435 name: neurofibroma def: "Peripheral nerve tumor consisting of chaotic arrays of wavy schwann cell bundles and fibroblasts interspersed within a matrix rich in collagen and mucopolysaccharide. (M9540/0)." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] is_a: MPATH:433 ! nerve sheath tumor [Term] id: MPATH:436 name: neurofibromatosis def: "Systemic manifestation of MPATH:435 ( M-9540/1)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:433 ! nerve sheath tumor [Term] id: MPATH:437 name: neurofibrosarcoma def: "Malignant neoplasm derived from Schwann cells. (M-9540/3)." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] synonym: "malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:433 ! nerve sheath tumor is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:438 name: schwannoma def: "May be malignant or benign, Schwann cell derived tumor considered to be neurectodermal with some acquired mesenchymal features. (M-9560/0)." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] synonym: "neurilemoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "neurinoma, benign [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:433 ! nerve sheath tumor [Term] id: MPATH:439 name: synovial-like tumor def: "Neoplasms of synovial origin." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:404 ! soft tissue tumor [Term] id: MPATH:440 name: synovial sarcoma def: "Malignant neoplasm occurring in close association with tendon sheaths and joint capsules. Biphasic in humans , showing a mixed spindle cell and epithelioid like morphology; this is not seen in rodents to date. (M-9040/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Synovial cell sarcoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:439 ! synovial-like tumor is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:442 name: squamous cell tumor def: "Neoplasms of stratified squamous epithelial cells." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:443 name: inverted squamous papilloma def: "A benign tumor consisting of villous or arborescent outgrowths of fibrovascular stroma covered by neoplastic epithelial cells in which proliferating epithelium is invaginated beneath the surface and is more smoothly rounded. (M-8053/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "endophytic papilloma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "invaginated papilloma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:442 ! squamous cell tumor is_a: MPATH:445 ! papilloma [Term] id: MPATH:444 name: keratoacanthoma def: "Skin type is thought to arise from follicular epithelium of hair follicles; found in other epithelia. Composed of multiple cup shaped cavities filled with lamellated concentrically arranged or homogeneous cornified masses." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "epithelioma, intracutaneous, cornifying [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:442 ! squamous cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:445 name: papilloma def: "A benign tumor consisting of villous or arborescent outgrowths of fibrovascular stroma covered by neoplastic epithelial cells (M-8050/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:264 ! fibroepithelial tumor is_a: MPATH:556 ! potentially cancerous lesions [Term] id: MPATH:446 name: squamous cell carcinoma def: "Malignant tumor derived from stratified squamous cells. (M-8070/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "carcinoma, epidermoid ( sensu epidermal derived tumors) [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:442 ! squamous cell tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:447 name: squamous cell carcinoma in situ def: "Pre-neoplastic intraepithelial lesion of squamous cells (M-8070/2)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "IENIII [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "severe intra-epithelial neoplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:442 ! squamous cell tumor is_a: MPATH:556 ! potentially cancerous lesions [Term] id: MPATH:448 name: squamous cell papilloma def: "A benign tumor consisting of villous or arborescent outgrowths of fibrovascular stroma covered by neoplastic squamous epithelial cells." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Exophytic papilloma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor is_a: MPATH:442 ! squamous cell tumor is_a: MPATH:445 ! papilloma [Term] id: MPATH:449 name: verrucous carcinoma def: "A well-differentiated papillary squamous cell carcinoma. (M-8051/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:442 ! squamous cell tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:450 name: transitional cell tumor def: "Neoplasms of transitional epithelia, eg kidney, ureter , bladder , cervix." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:451 name: transitional cell carcinoma def: "Malignant neoplasm of transitional cells (M-8120/3)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:450 ! transitional cell tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:452 name: transitional cell carcinoma in situ def: "Pre-malignant intra-epithelial neoplasm of transitional cells (M-8120/2)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "severe intra-epithelial neoplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:450 ! transitional cell tumor is_a: MPATH:556 ! potentially cancerous lesions [Term] id: MPATH:453 name: transitional cell papilloma def: "Pre-malignant lesion of transitional cells, papillomatous form ( M- 8120/1)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:450 ! transitional cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:454 name: trophoblastic tumor def: "Tumors derived directly from trophoblastic tissue or differentiated from germ cell tumor origins." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:455 name: choriocarcinoma def: "Tumor derived from malignant trophoblastic cells. May be found in the uterus, ovary and testis. May also be derived from teratomas and teratocarcinomas in males. (M-9100/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "Chorioepithelioma, malignant. [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:310 ! germ cell tumor is_a: MPATH:454 ! trophoblastic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:456 name: hydatidiform mole def: "Vesicular or cystic tumor with hydropic villi resulting from the proliferation of trophoblast in the absence ( complete) or the presence ( partial) of an embryo. Most complete moles are homozygous androgenetic XX 46.(M-9100/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "cystic mole [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "gestational trophoblastic disease [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:454 ! trophoblastic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:457 name: placental site trophoblastic tumor def: "Neoplastic proliferation of intermediate trophoblasts that invades the myometrium at the placental site after a pregnancy. (M-9104/1)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:454 ! trophoblastic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:458 name: normal def: "Normal." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:0 ! trophoblastic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:460 name: nuclear defect def: "Defect in the structure or function of the nuclear membrane or matrix or other component." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:17 ! subcellular defect [Term] id: MPATH:461 name: cataract; capsular-epithelial def: "Proliferation of lens epithelium and capsule leading to fibrous metaplasia and anterior subcapsular cataract ( ASC) . Possible developmental origin." [ISBN:08493086 4X] is_a: MPATH:29 ! cataract [Term] id: MPATH:462 name: cataract; nuclear and cortical def: "Nuclear cataract of developmental origin with tendency to progress with age and involve the cortex and capsule." [ISBN:08493086 4X] is_a: MPATH:29 ! cataract [Term] id: MPATH:463 name: cataract; cortical liquefactive def: "Of developmental origins; nucleus and cortex become completely liquefied in post-natal life." [ISBN:08493086 4X] is_a: MPATH:29 ! cataract [Term] id: MPATH:464 name: cataract; lens extrusion def: "Involves capsular rupture usually of the posterior lens capsule, close to birth or in the first few weeks postpartum. Cortical material spills into the vitreous humor and may be disseminated through the eye." [ISBN:08493086 4X] is_a: MPATH:29 ! cataract [Term] id: MPATH:465 name: glaucoma developmental def: "Consequent on developmental abnormalities in the trabecular network and Schlemm`s canal in the angle." [ISBN:08493086 4X] is_a: MPATH:32 ! glaucoma [Term] id: MPATH:466 name: glaucoma; open angle def: "Failure of drainage of the eye for unknown reasons." [ISBN:08493086 4X] is_a: MPATH:32 ! glaucoma [Term] id: MPATH:467 name: glaucoma; angle closure def: "Develops when the angle caused by the iris and cornea closes. May occur because of anatomically narrow angles or adhesions." [ISBN:08493086 4X] is_a: MPATH:32 ! glaucoma [Term] id: MPATH:468 name: pseudocyst def: "Formation of extracellular (sensu pancreas) non-epithelial bounded spaces containing accumulated products or substances." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:1 ! cell and tissue damage [Term] id: MPATH:469 name: symmetry defect def: "Any aberration of the normal symmetrical organisation of the body pattern." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:470 name: left/right axis defect def: "Left/Right (mediolateral) axis aberration of the normal symmetrical organisation of the body pattern." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:For example as seen in the mutation .[] is_a: MPATH:469 ! symmetry defect [Term] id: MPATH:471 name: anterior/posterior axis defect def: "Anteroposterior aberration of the normal symmetrical organisation of the body pattern." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:469 ! symmetry defect [Term] id: MPATH:472 name: Dorsal/ventral axis defect def: "Dorsoventral aberration of the normal symmetrical organisation of the body pattern." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:469 ! symmetry defect [Term] id: MPATH:473 name: developmental cystic dysplasia def: "Developmental dysplasia showing epithelial cell bounded cavities." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:64 ! developmental dysplasia [Term] id: MPATH:474 name: ectasia def: "Dilation of a tubular structure." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:Often associated with an obstruction.[] is_a: MPATH:66 ! dilatation [Term] id: MPATH:475 name: ductal ectasia def: "Dilation of a ductal structure." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:474 ! ectasia [Term] id: MPATH:476 name: telangiectasia def: "A lesion formed by a dilated capillary or terminal artery." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:474 ! ectasia [Term] id: MPATH:477 name: choristoma def: "Similar to hamartoma, including the mass lesion requirement, but unlike hamartoma, includes heterotopic tissue of an adult or embryonic nature ( topographical and developmental anomaly)." [ISBN:0781727286] synonym: "Choristoblastoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:478 name: angiogenesis defect def: "Abnormality in developmental angiogenesis." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:479 name: vasculogenesis defect def: "Defect in formation of blood vessels by vasculogenesis, proliferation or recruitment of endothelial cells." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:480 name: decidual defect def: "Any defect in the formation, architecture, cellular composition or function of the maternal decidua." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:100 ! placental abnormality [Term] id: MPATH:482 name: focal hyperplasia def: "Localised hyperplastic lesion. Polyclonal lesions are probably benign but clonal lesions may progress to malignancy." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:484 name: hyperplastic nodule def: "Expansion of small hyperplastic lesions to become macroscopically nodules, compressing adjacent cells." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "hyperplastic nodules [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "nodular hyperplasia " [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:486 name: ductal intra-epithelial neoplasia def: "Pre-malignant hyperplastic and/or dysplastic change in the mammary gland epithelium with the potential to give rise to malignant tumors." [PMID:10713680] comment:This term covers the range of DIN (MIN) including severe intra-epithelial neoplasia (IENIII), alternatively termed in situ carcinoma of the mammary ductal epithelium. (M- 8500/2). See Tavassoli FA. (1998) Mod Pathol. 11:140-54. Ductal carcinoma in situ: introduction of the concept of ductal intraepithelial neoplasia for further definition.[] synonym: "DIN [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Ductal carcinoma in situ [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "intraductal adenocarcinoma, non-infiltrating [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "mammary intra-epithelial neoplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "MIN [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:267 ! glandular tumor is_a: MPATH:556 ! potentially cancerous lesions [Term] id: MPATH:487 name: intestinal intra-epithelial neoplasia def: "Histologically apparent areas of dysplasia that are not grossly visible (smaller than 0.5-1 mm). Lesions may involve single or multiple glands." [PMID:12612914] synonym: "GIN [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "IIN [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "microadenoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:128 ! intra-epithelial neoplasia [Term] id: MPATH:488 name: prostate intra-epithelial neoplasia def: "See reference for definition." [ISBN:0-19-512338-7] xref: URL: synonym: "PIN [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:128 ! intra-epithelial neoplasia [Term] id: MPATH:489 name: stomach, oesophagus and pancreatic intra-epithelial neoplasia def: "stomach, oesophagus and pancreatic intra-epithelial neoplasia" [ISBN:0-19-512338-7] synonym: "PANIN [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:128 ! intra-epithelial neoplasia [Term] id: MPATH:490 name: adenomatous polyp def: "Benign neoplastic growth containing areas of adenomatous structure (progression)." [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "polypoid adenoma, cellular polyp. [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma relationship: part_of MPATH:271 ! adenomatous polyposis coli [Term] id: MPATH:491 name: polyp def: "A mass of tissue which projects outward or upward from the normal surface level being macroscopically visible as a hemispheroidal, spheroidal, or irregular moundlike structure growing from a relatively broad base or a slender stalk." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:138 ! epithelial hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:492 name: membraneous glomerulonephritis def: "Glomerulonephritis characterized by diffuse thickening of glomerular capillary basement membranes, due in part to subepithelial deposits of immunoglobulins separated by spikes of basement membrane material,." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:197 ! glomerulonephritis [Term] id: MPATH:493 name: membraneoproliferative glomerulonephritis def: "A chronic glomerulonephritis characterized by mesangial cell proliferation, increased lobular separation of glomeruli, thickening of glomerular capillary walls and increased mesangial matrix,." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:197 ! glomerulonephritis [Term] id: MPATH:494 name: autoimmune glomerulonephritis def: "Glomerulonephritis caused by autoimmune attack on the glomerulus." [ISBN:0781727286] comment:Needs multiple parentage with autoimmune mediated disease[] is_a: MPATH:197 ! glomerulonephritis [Term] id: MPATH:495 name: glomangioma def: "Tumor derived from the capillary glomus with arteriovenous capillary anastomoses. Often characterized by multiple tumors resembling cavernous hemangioma (M-8712/0)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:235 ! blood vessel tumor [Term] id: MPATH:496 name: Non-Lymphoid leukaemias def: "Neoplasms of non-lymphoid haematopoietic lineage. Must have at least 20% blast cells to meet this definition." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:515 ! Non-Lymphoid neoplasias [Term] id: MPATH:497 name: myeloid leukaemia without maturation def: "Leukaemia in which neoplastic cells are poorly differentiated and not monocytic. At least 90% of the cells have to be blasts." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: synonym: "myeloblastic leukaemia without maturation [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "myeloid leukaemia (myeloblastic type) [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "poorly differentiated myeloid leukaemia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:342 ! myeloid leukaemia [Term] id: MPATH:498 name: myeloid leukaemia with maturation def: "Leukaemia in which neoplastic cells are moderately differentiated with a neutrophilic but not monocytic component. At least 20% of the cells have to be blasts." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: synonym: "myeloblastic laeukaemia with maturation [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "poorly differentiated myeloid leukaemia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:342 ! myeloid leukaemia [Term] id: MPATH:499 name: nesidioblastosis def: "Abnormal proliferation of beta cells of developing islets often leading to marked diffuse or focal beta-cell hyperplasia. Considered to generate a potentially cancerous lesion." [PMCID: 1964945] synonym: "Beta-cell nesidioblastosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "congenital insulinomas [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "diffused or generalised islet cell hyperplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "endocrine dysplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "focal adenomatosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "microadenomatosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "multifocal and focal ductulo-insular proliferation (nesidioblastosis) [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "nesidioblastoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "nesidiodysplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:64 ! developmental dysplasia [Term] id: MPATH:500 name: myeloproliferative disease-like myeloid leukaemia def: "Leukaemia in which neoplastic cells are well differentiated and in which there are fewer than 20% blasts." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: synonym: "myeloid leukaemia, chonic type [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "well differentiated myeloid leukaemia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:342 ! myeloid leukaemia [Term] id: MPATH:501 name: myelomonocytic leukaemia def: "Leukaemia in which neoplastic cells are moderately differentiated with a neutrophilic and a monocytic component. At least 20% of the cells have to be blasts." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: synonym: "myeloid leukaemia, myelomonocytic type [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:342 ! myeloid leukaemia [Term] id: MPATH:502 name: monocytic leukaemia def: "Leukaemia in which neoplastic cells are poorly or moderately differentiated with a monocytic but no neutrophilic component. At least 20% of the cells must be blasts." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:342 ! myeloid leukaemia [Term] id: MPATH:503 name: biphenotypic leukaemia def: "A leukaemia with at least 90% blasts and differentiation markers of the myeloid and lymphoid lineage." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:496 ! Non-Lymphoid leukaemias [Term] id: MPATH:504 name: non-lymphoid hematopoietic sarcomas def: "Solid tumor mass composed of non-lymphoid haematopoietic cells." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:335 ! hematopoietic/lymphoid malignancies/disorder is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:505 name: granulocytic sarcoma def: "Solid tumor mass composed predominantly of granulocytic or relatively undifferentiated non-lymphoid haematopoietic cells." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:504 ! non-lymphoid hematopoietic sarcomas [Term] id: MPATH:506 name: histiocytic sarcoma def: "Solid tumor mass composed predominantly of histiocytic cells (M-9775/3)." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: synonym: "histiocytic lymphoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Kupffer cell sarcoma (sensu liver) [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "malignant lymphoma, histiocytic type [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "reticulum cell sarcoma, type A [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "reticulum cell sarcoma, type A, reticulosarcoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:504 ! non-lymphoid hematopoietic sarcomas [Term] id: MPATH:507 name: mast cell sarcoma def: "Solid tumor mass composed of mast cells." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: synonym: "malignant mastocytoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "mast cell tumor [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "mastocytosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:504 ! non-lymphoid hematopoietic sarcomas [Term] id: MPATH:508 name: myeloid dysplasias def: "Haematopoietic proliferation with evidence of trilineage dysplasia." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:515 ! Non-Lymphoid neoplasias [Term] id: MPATH:509 name: cytopenia with increased blasts def: "Haematopoietic proliferation with evidence of trilineage dysplasia. More than 20% should be blasts." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:508 ! myeloid dysplasias [Term] id: MPATH:510 name: myeloid proliferations (non-reactive) def: "Non-reactive persistent accumulation of non-lymphoid haematopoietic cells. Genetically determined." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:515 ! Non-Lymphoid neoplasias [Term] id: MPATH:511 name: Myeloproliferation (genetic) def: "Non-reactive persistent accumulation of non-lymphoid haematopoietic cells in the blood which do not infiltrate the spleen and the bone marrow. Genetically determined." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:510 ! myeloid proliferations (non-reactive) [Term] id: MPATH:512 name: myeloproliferative disease def: "Non-reactive persistent accumulation of non-lymphoid haematopoietic cells in the blood which infiltrate the spleen and the bone marrow." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:510 ! myeloid proliferations (non-reactive) [Term] id: MPATH:513 name: Lymphoid neoplasms def: "Neoplasms of the B or T cell lineage." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:335 ! hematopoietic/lymphoid malignancies/disorder [Term] id: MPATH:515 name: Non-Lymphoid neoplasias def: "Hematological neoplasias of non-lymphoid origin." [PMID:12070033] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:335 ! hematopoietic/lymphoid malignancies/disorder [Term] id: MPATH:516 name: B-cell neoplasms def: "Neoplasm of the B cell lymphoid lineage." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:513 ! Lymphoid neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:517 name: precursor B cell neoplasms def: "Lymphoma originating from precursor B-cells." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:516 ! B-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:518 name: precursor B -cell lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia def: "Lymphoma originating in a precursor B-cell." [PMID:12070034] synonym: "lymphoblastic leukaemia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "lymphoblastic lymphoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:517 ! precursor B cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:519 name: Mature B-cell neoplasms def: "Lymphomas originating in peripheral B cells." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:516 ! B-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:520 name: small B-cell lymphoma def: "Diffuse accumulation of small mature B-cells." [Book: Morse; et al. (2002) Blood 100; 246-258] synonym: "small lymphocytic lymphoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "well differentiated lymphocytic lymphoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:519 ! Mature B-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:521 name: splenic marginal zone lymphoma def: "A lymphoid proliferation of cells of the marginal zone of the white pulp of the spleen." [PMID:12070034] synonym: "SMZL [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:519 ! Mature B-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:522 name: follicular B cell lymphoma def: "A lymphoid proliferation composed of a mixture of centroblasts and centrocytes that may or may not have a nodular(follicular)pattern. The follicular dendritic cell network is not present, unlike in the human. The equivalent typical translocation (Chr. 14:18 )seen in humans has not been reported in the mouse." [PMID:12070034] synonym: "centroblastic/centrocytic lymphoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "follicular center cell lymphoma, small cell or mixed [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "follicular lymphoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:519 ! Mature B-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:523 name: Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma def: "Diffuse proliferation of large B lymphoid cells." [PMID:12070034] synonym: "DLBCL [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:519 ! Mature B-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:524 name: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, centroblastic type def: "Diffuse follicular centre cell lymphoma mainly composed of centroblasts." [PMID:12070034] synonym: "centroblastic lymphoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:523 ! Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma [Term] id: MPATH:525 name: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, immunoblastic type def: "Diffuse large B cell lymphoma with increased number of immunoblasts." [PMID:12070034] synonym: "Immunoblastic lymphoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:523 ! Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma [Term] id: MPATH:526 name: diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, histiocyte associated def: "Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma with more than 50% histiocytes." [PMID:12070034] synonym: "DLCL (HS) [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:523 ! Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma [Term] id: MPATH:527 name: primary mediastinal (thymic) diffuse large B cell lymphoma def: "Primary B-cell lymphoma of the thymus. Reported in C57BL/6 mice infected with replication defective MuLV. Not clear that this is the equivalent of the human disease." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:523 ! Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma [Term] id: MPATH:528 name: classic Burkitt lymphoma def: "Highly proliferative B-cell lymphoma characteristically seen in c-Myc transgenic mice, derived from mature B cells." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:519 ! Mature B-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:529 name: Burkitt-like lymphoma def: "Highly proliferative mature B-cell lymphoma, poorly defined." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:519 ! Mature B-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:530 name: Plasma cell neoplasms def: "Diffuse proliferation of mature plasma cells. Clonal by definition. Includes the equivalent of human myeloma (ICD-O 9732/3)." [PMID:12070034] xref: URL: synonym: "Myeloma ( human ) [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:516 ! B-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:531 name: B-natural killer cell lymphoma def: "Unusual lymphoma type described in thymectomised (SL/Kh x AKR/Ms) F1 mice. No equivalent found in human to date. See reference for detailed phenotype." [Lu; L-M.; et al (1999) Jpn J. Cancer Res. 90: 1218-1223] is_a: MPATH:516 ! B-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:532 name: plasmacytoma def: "Diffuse proliferation of mature plasma cells. Clonal by definition." [PMID:12070034] comment:Tissue, usually lymph nodes, that contain unusually large numbers of normal appearing plasma cells. While these may be plasmacytomas, additional work is needed to confirm this latter diagnosis.[] xref: URL: is_a: MPATH:530 ! Plasma cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:533 name: extraosseous plasmacytoma def: "Diffuse proliferation of mature plasma cells. Clonal by definition. Frequently found in IL6 transgenic mice. Characteristically involves spleen and nodes rather than peritoneum." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:532 ! plasmacytoma [Term] id: MPATH:534 name: anaplastic plasmacytoma def: "Diffuse proliferation of immature plasma cells or plasma blasts." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:532 ! plasmacytoma [Term] id: MPATH:535 name: T-cell neoplasms def: "Neoplasms derived from cells of the T lymphocyte lineage." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:513 ! Lymphoid neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:536 name: precursor T-cell neoplasms def: "Neoplasms of precursor T cells." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:535 ! T-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:537 name: precursor T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukaemia def: "Precursor T cell derived neoplasia. Most commonly found in the thymus." [PMID:12070034] synonym: "thymic lymphoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:536 ! precursor T-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:538 name: mature T-cell neoplasms def: "Non-thymic neoplasms of mature T cell origin." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:535 ! T-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:539 name: small T-cell lymphoma def: "Accumulation of small mature T cells. No human counterpart known to date." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:538 ! mature T-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:540 name: T cell neoplasms character undetermined def: "T cell neoplasms which cannot currently be classified into known subtypes." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:535 ! T-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:541 name: T large cell anaplastic lymphoma def: "Diffuse large pleiomorphic T cell lymphoma. This entity does not correspond to human anaplastic large cell lymphoma." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:540 ! T cell neoplasms character undetermined [Term] id: MPATH:542 name: T natural killer cell lymphoma def: "Neoplasm of large granular T cells of CD8 phenotype." [PMID:12070034] is_a: MPATH:535 ! T-cell neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:543 name: cholangioma def: "Benign neoplasm of the biliary duct. Occurs in solid and cystic forms. (M-8160/0)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:352 ! hepatic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:544 name: hepatocholangiocellular adenoma def: "Benign tumor of unknown origin showing features of hepatocelluar adenoma and cholangioma." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma is_a: MPATH:352 ! hepatic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:545 name: hepatocholangiocellular carcinoma def: "Malignant tumor of unknown origin showing features of hepatocelluar carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma. (M-8180/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor is_a: MPATH:352 ! hepatic tumor is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:546 name: blepharitis def: "blepharitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:547 name: mucous secretions def: "Extracellular accumulation of mucous secretions." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:Mucus is the clear viscous secretion of the mucous membranes. Consisting of mucin, epithelial cells, leukocytes and various inorganic salts dissolved in water.[] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:548 name: papillary transitional cell carcinoma def: "A generally malignant neoplasm consisting of villous or arborescent outgrowths of fibrovascular stroma covered by atypical neoplastic epithelial or urothelial cells cells." [Book: Kunze; E. (1994) Preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the Rat urinary bladder. In; Pathology of Neoplasia and Preneoplasia in Rodents. Eds. Bannach; P.; and Goessner; W.; Vol 1 p 114. Schattauer; Stuttgart New York] is_a: MPATH:264 ! fibroepithelial tumor is_a: MPATH:450 ! transitional cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:549 name: carcinoma def: "Any of various types of malignant neoplasm derived from epithelial cells, chiefly glandular (adenocarcinoma) or squamous (squamous cell carcinoma)." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:551 name: sarcoma def: "A connective tissue neoplasm, usually highly malignant, formed by proliferation of mesodermal cells." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:553 name: neuritis def: "Inflammation of a nerve." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:554 name: dystrophy def: "Regressive changes which may increase in severity, and which may result from defective nutrition or support of a tissue or organ." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:Most often used for diseases in which a structure does not develop properly (not necessarily in an embryonic context) and undergoes degradation.[] is_a: MPATH:14 ! process of degenerative change [Term] id: MPATH:555 name: mineralisation def: "Deposition of any homogeneous inorganic material." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:556 name: potentially cancerous lesions def: "Lesions which in some cases have the potential to become progressively growing malignant tumors." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:558 name: adenomyoepithelioma def: "Adenocarcinoma type tumor with both glandular and squamous differentiation. (M-8983/0)." [PMID:10713680] is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor [Term] id: MPATH:559 name: Acinar adenocarcinoma def: "Tumor composed of small glandular clusters with small lumens." [PMID:10713680] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:560 name: cribriform adenocarcinoma def: "Tumor composed of sheets or nests of cells forming lumens with round, punched out spaces." [PMID:10713680] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:561 name: adenosquamous carcinoma def: "Mixed adeno- and squamous cell carcinoma. Not yet reported in mice. M-8560/3." [PMID:12612914] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma is_a: MPATH:442 ! squamous cell tumor [Term] id: MPATH:562 name: torsion def: "The twisting of a bodily organ or part on its own axis." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:563 name: mucinous carcinoma def: "carcinoma derived from gastrointestinal epithelium with a high mucinous content. (M-8480/3)." [PMID:12612914] synonym: "mucinous adenocarcinoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:564 name: glioblastoma def: "Develop primarily through increasing anaplasia of well differentiated gliomas, mainly astrocytomas or oligodendrogliomas. Typically large and contain cells of different sizes with irrregular nuclei and atypical mitotic figures. (M-9440/3)." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] comment:Also see Weiss, W.W, Israel, M. Cobbs, C., et al. (2002) Oncogene 21, 7453-7463.[] synonym: "glioblastoma multiforme [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "monstrocytoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:249 ! glioma [Term] id: MPATH:565 name: tumors of neurepithelial tissue def: "Tumors of neuronal and non-neuronal cells derived from embryonic neurepithelium." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:243 ! central nervous system tumor [Term] id: MPATH:566 name: tumors of the meninges def: "tumors of the meninges" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:243 ! central nervous system tumor [Term] id: MPATH:567 name: pilocytic astrocytoma def: "Glial cell derived tumor composed of bipolar cells with long `hairlike` GFAP-positive processes. (M9421/1)." [Nervous System. Radovsky A and Mahler; J.S. In: Maronpot; R. Pathology of the Mouse. (1999) Cache River Press. Vienna IL] comment:Often cystic in children and generally considered benign.[] synonym: "cystic cerebellar astrocytoma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:244 ! astrocytoma [Term] id: MPATH:568 name: mixed glioma def: "Mixed tumor containing astrocytes within an oligodendroglioma or vice versa. In some cases both components may be neoplastic. (M-9382/3)." [ISBN-13:9783794515530] comment:Also see Weiss, W.W, Israel, M. Cobbs, C., et al. (2002) Oncogene 21, 7453-7463.[] is_a: MPATH:249 ! glioma is_a: MPATH:254 ! complex tumor [Term] id: MPATH:570 name: peripheral nervous system tumors def: "Tumors of the peripheral nervous system." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:571 name: pilomatricoma def: "Tumor composed of the epithelial components of the most proximal (trichogenic) portion of the hair follicle associated with an aberrent hair cortex type of cornification (ghost cells or shadow cells). The most primitive cellular component consists of basophilic cells having scanty cytoplasm and nuclei that occasionally overlap to some extent. In humans mineralisation is common." [See: Gat; U.; DasGupta; R.; Degenstein; L. and Fuchs; E. (1998) De Novo hair follicle morphogenesis and hair tumors in mice expressing a truncated beta-catenin in skin Cell; 95; 605-614.] is_a: MPATH:575 ! basaloid follicular neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:572 name: ossifying fibroma def: "Ossifying fibromas are benign tumors derived from pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells or osteoblasts. Occur spontaneously or in response to radiation. Preferentially located in mandible, maxilla and caudal spine. Composed of a characteristically regular trabecular bone pattern embedded in a fibrous stroma. Proliferating component consists of spindle cells which give rise to cuboidal osteoblasts to form rounded bodies or trabeculae. Bone trabeculae resemble the alphabet soup shapes characteristic of fibrous dysplasia in humans. In contrast to fibrous dysplasia the bone trabeculae of ossifying fibroma are mostly lamellar and ringed by active osteoblasts." [Book: Luz A; Goessner; W.;and Murray AB.(1991) Ossifying fibroma; mouse. In; Jones TC; Mohr U; Hunt RD (eds) Monographs on pathology of laboratory animals. Cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems. Springer; Berlin Heidelberg New York Tokyo; pp 228-232] is_a: MPATH:388 ! osseous and chondromatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:573 name: inverted transitional cell papilloma def: "Pre-malignant lesion of transitional cells, papillomatous form, in which proliferating epithelium is invaginated beneath the surface." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:453 ! transitional cell papilloma [Term] id: MPATH:574 name: nephroblastomatosis def: "Persistence of metanephrogenic blastema or its presence in the wrong place or at the wrong time. Associated with hyperplastic nephrogenic rests." [PMID:8383276] is_a: MPATH:64 ! developmental dysplasia [Term] id: MPATH:575 name: basaloid follicular neoplasms def: "This is a new diagnostic term that the MMHC pathology panel felt best described a diagnostically challenging set of tumors that share the feature of being compose of basaloid cells showing follicular differentiation to some extent. These tumors are common in GEM involving the hedgehog signaling pathway and frequently have more than one of the histologic patterns listed below. The designation of benign and malignant has been excluded from the primary diagnosis purposely, as this is frequently difficult to determine in these characteristically well circumscribed tumors. The presence of a disorganized (non-palisaded) sheet-like growth pattern, tumor necrosis, or numerous mitoses are felt to represent malignant transformation." [URL:http\://] is_a: MPATH:219 ! adnexal and skin appendage tumor [Term] id: MPATH:576 name: trichofolliculoma def: "Basaloid neoplasm with numerous mature hair follicles and hair formation." [URL:http\://] relationship: part_of MPATH:575 ! basaloid follicular neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:577 name: spiradenoma def: "Cellular neoplasm with well formed palisades of basaloid cells adjacent to less basophilic smaller cells with occasional central deposition of amorphous eosinophilic material. These tumors share some features with cylindroma type tumors but have a less well developed jigsaw puzzle-like architecture and tend to be more cellular." [URL:http\://] is_a: MPATH:575 ! basaloid follicular neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:578 name: trichoblastoma def: "Basaloid neoplasm with frequent primitive hair follicles." [URL:http\://] is_a: MPATH:575 ! basaloid follicular neoplasms [Term] id: MPATH:579 name: ulcer def: "Loss of epithelium and the basement membrane (full thickness). Cf Erosion." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:1 ! cell and tissue damage [Term] id: MPATH:580 name: erosion def: "Partial epithelial denudation not penetrating to the basement membrane." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:15 ! general degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:581 name: desmoplasia def: "Connective tissue proliferative reaction induced by a neoplastic process." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "scirrhous [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "sclerosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:604 ! defective growth and differentiation process [Term] id: MPATH:582 name: Cicatricial alopecia def: "Scarring of the hair follicle without affecting the adjacent dermis. Pigment may be associated with fibrous tract in pigmented individuals." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:26 ! alopecia [Term] id: MPATH:583 name: scarring alopecia def: "Loss of hair follicles in a diffuse dermal scar." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:26 ! alopecia [Term] id: MPATH:584 name: myelofibrosis def: "In mice the term refers to accumulation of fibrous connective tissue in the medullary cavity of bones; usually in old mice. In humans the term is synonymous with myeloid metaplasia." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:585 name: acidophilic macrophage pneumonia def: "A mixed inflammatory infiltrate in the pulmonary airways with predominant intra-alveolar macrophage component with intra- and extracellular, elongated, bright eosinophilic/acidophilic crystals." [:Murray AB; Luz A ( 1990 ) Acidophilic macrophage pneumonia in laboratory mice. Vet Pathol. 27; 274-81] comment:Crystals and acidophilic material have been reported as various materials including Ym1 and Ym2 proteins and blood pigment derivatives and Eotaxin.[] is_a: MPATH:877 ! pneumonia [Term] id: MPATH:586 name: polycystic disease def: "A group of degenerative disorders resulting in multiple cysts in tissues." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] synonym: "polycystic kidney disease [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "polycystic liver disease [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "polycystic ovary [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:587 name: Cribriform epididymal hyperplasia def: "The lesion is characterized microscopically by epithelial cells with atypical hyperchromatic nuclei, vacuolization, intratubular lumina formation, infrequent apoptosis, and rare mitotic figures. In contrast to germ cells, the cells of CEH do not express alpha-fetoprotein, carcinoembryonic antigen, or S-100. Ultrastructurally, the cells are pleomorphic with stereocilia at their apical borders and within intratubular lumina, and are supported by a basement membrane. CEH does not appear to be a preneoplastic change." [Journal: La Perle KM; Blomme EA; Sagartz JE; Capen CC (2002) Epididymal cribriform hyperplasia with nuclear atypia in p53 homozygous knockout. Comp Med. 2002 52:568-71.] comment:Cribriform epididymal hyperplasia was initially described as an incidental finding in human orchidectomy specimens. Recently, this condition was also described in mice, homozygous for a targeted mutation in p53.[] is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:589 name: dysplasia def: "Distortion or deficiency of the tissue or cellular architecture." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:Note that with respect to developmental processes the term dysplasia is often used with greater specificity to describe aberrant developmental processes of proliferation and differentation, in which case MPATH: 64 Developmental dysplasia should be used.[] is_a: MPATH:604 ! defective growth and differentiation process [Term] id: MPATH:590 name: fibro-osseous lesion def: "Lesion of bone showing accelerated osteoclastic bone resorption coupled with fibroplasia. Later stages show proliferation of osteoblasts." [Book: Albassam MA; Courtney CL (1996) Nonneoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the bone. In; Mohr U; Dungworth DL; Capen CC; Carlton WW; Sundberg JP; Ward JM (eds) Pathobiology of the aging mouse. Vol 2. Musculoskeletal system. ILSI Press; Washington D.C.; pp 425-437] comment:The benign fibro-osseous lesions (BFOL) represent a clinically diverse group of disorders of bone that share similar histopathologic features. As a group, they are relatively common in the craniofacial complex, especially the jaws. Common in some inbred strains notably B6C3F1 females. Note that many of the synonyms have been used historically and may not be accurate. See: Albassam MA, Courtney CL (1996) Nonneoplastic and neoplastic lesions of the bone. In: Mohr U, Dungworth DL, Capen CC, Carlton WW, Sundberg JP, Ward JM (eds) Pathobiology of the aging mouse. Vol 2. Musculoskeletal system. ILSI Press, Washington D.C., pp 425-437. AND Albassam MA, Wojcinski ZW, Barsoum NJ, Smith, GS (1991) Spontaneous fibro-osseous proliferative lesions in the sternums and femurs of B6C3F1 mice. Vet Path 28: 381-388.[] synonym: "fibrous dysplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "fibrous osteodystrophy [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "osteodysplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "osteodystrophy [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "osteofibrosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:589 ! dysplasia [Term] id: MPATH:591 name: fatty infiltration def: "Accumulation of mature adipose tissue in a healing wound site or otherwise in response to tissue damage." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:607 ! healing and repair structure [Term] id: MPATH:592 name: osteopetrosis def: "Excessive formation of dense trabecular bone and mineralized cartilage, especially in long bones, leading to obliteration of marrow spaces and to anemia with myeloid metaplasia and hepatosplenomegaly beginning in infancy, to bone fragility, and to progressive deafness and blindness." [PMID:15625335] synonym: "Albers-Schoenberg disease [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "marble bone disease [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "marble bones [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:589 ! dysplasia [Term] id: MPATH:594 name: cystic hyperplasia def: "Formation of multiple retention cysts from obstruction of ducts or glands by hyperplasia of the lining epithelium." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:135 ! epithelial and stromal hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:595 name: extramedullary hemopoiesis def: "The formation of and development of blood cells outside the red pulp of the spleen. Composed of varying numbers of megakaryocytes as well as myeloid and erythroid precursors." [:Ward; J.M.; Mann; P.C.; Mrishima; H.; and Frith; C.H. Thymus; Spleen and Lymph nodes. Ch 13. p342. In Maronpot; R. Pathology of the Mouse. (1999) Cache River Press. Vienna IL] comment:Production of blood cells in tissues other than the bone marrow. In the mouse, this is usually the liver.[] is_a: MPATH:515 ! Non-Lymphoid neoplasias [Term] id: MPATH:596 name: pathological process def: "The organic response of tissues to external insult, injury or underlying genetic or epigenetic lesion." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:0 ! Non-Lymphoid neoplasias [Term] id: MPATH:597 name: cell and tissue damage process def: "Processes occurring during cell and tissue damage of either intrinsic or extrinsic etiology." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:596 ! pathological process [Term] id: MPATH:599 name: developmental process abnormalities def: "developmental process abnormalities" [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:596 ! pathological process [Term] id: MPATH:600 name: branching defect def: "Aberrant branch or branching pattern of a branched structure such as the bronchus." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:601 name: developmental hypertrophy def: "Increase of the size or cellularity of an organ or tissue as a consequence of loss of normal regulation of cell proliferation." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:602 name: hyperplastic tissue def: "An organ or a tissue with an abnormal increase in the number of cells as a consequence of cell proliferation." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:126 ! growth and differentiation defect [Term] id: MPATH:603 name: pathological anatomical entity def: "Anatomically located instance of pathological response or entity." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:0 ! growth and differentiation defect [Term] id: MPATH:604 name: defective growth and differentiation process def: "Abnormal increase or decrease in the rate of cell growth or cell division including associated changes in the differentiation state of adult cells." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:Excludes abnormalities of developmental proliferation and differentiation.[] is_a: MPATH:596 ! pathological process [Term] id: MPATH:605 name: metaplastic tissue def: "A tissue or group of cells in which there has been abnormal transformation of an fully differentiated adult cell or tissue of one kind into a differentiated tissue of another kind." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:Nearly exclusively used in an adult context.[] is_a: MPATH:126 ! growth and differentiation defect [Term] id: MPATH:606 name: neoplasia def: "The pathological process that results in the formation and growth of a neoplasm." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:Literally: new growth of cells. Neoplasia refers to the unscheduled or abnormal growth of cells, potentially resulting in a benign or malignant tumour. Neoplasms include potentially cancerous lesions as well as full malignancies but not all neoplasms are potentially cancerous.[] synonym: "neoplastic process [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:596 ! pathological process [Term] id: MPATH:607 name: healing and repair structure def: "Physical entity or structure associated with normal or abnormal tissue healing or repair following extrinsic or intrinsic damage." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:603 ! pathological anatomical entity [Term] id: MPATH:608 name: abscess def: "A circumscribed collection of purulent exudate frequently associated with swelling and other signs of inflammation." [ISBN:0781727286] comment:Generally occur following damage or infection with subsequent inflammatory response. Result of the body`s defensive reaction to foreign material.[] is_a: MPATH:607 ! healing and repair structure [Term] id: MPATH:609 name: empyema def: "Pus in a body cavity; when used without qualification, refers specifically to pyothorax." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:607 ! healing and repair structure [Term] id: MPATH:610 name: angiectasia def: "Dilatation of a blood vessel or valve." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:474 ! ectasia [Term] id: MPATH:611 name: glossitis def: "Acute or chronic inflammation of the tongue." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:613 name: pigmentation def: "Coloration, either normal or pathologic, of the skin or tissues resulting from a deposit of pigment." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:614 name: concretion def: "Solid material formed by aggregation of discrete units or particles." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:615 name: cardiomyopathy def: "A disease of the heart muscle or myocardium proper." [:NCI Thesaurus / A7567983] comment:Cardiomyopathies may be classified as either primary or secondary, on the basis of etiology, or on the pathophysiology of the lesion: hypertrophic, dilated, or restrictive.[] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:616 name: hyperostosis def: "Hypertrophy of bone characterised by an abnormal increase in non-neoplastic skeletal bone mass. These may be proliferative or non-proliferative lesions." [Long; P.H.; and Leininger; J.R ( 1999) Bones Joints and synovia; p663. in: Pathology of the Mouse. Ed Maronpot; R. Cache River Press] synonym: "osteosclerosis [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:159 ! hypertrophy [Term] id: MPATH:617 name: focus of cellular alteration def: "Focal lesions of hepatocytes characterised primarily by altered cytoplasmic tinctorial properties. Classified as basophilic, eosinophilic, clear cell or mixed type." [Pathbase: Mohr] comment:More recently amphophilic cell foci, diffusely basophilic cell foci and vacuolated cell foci have been described.[] synonym: "Areas of cellular alteration [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Enzyme altered focus [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Focus of altered hepatocytes (fah) [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Hyperplastic focus [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Phenotypically altered focus [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Preneoplastic focus [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:556 ! potentially cancerous lesions [Term] id: MPATH:618 name: myeloid hyperplasia def: "Hyperplasia of myeloid lineage, usually in the spleen." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:Myeloid hyperplasia ia a common diagnosis in mouse spleen. In the normal mouse spleen, a low degree of production of myeloid cells occurs (neutrophils, erythroid cells and megakaryocytes). Commonly in aging mice, due to tumors and inflammatory lesions, the mouse myeloid system in bone marrow and spleen react and become hyperplastic. In the spleen it is diagnosed as myeloid hyperplasia (MH), in the past it was often extramedullary hematopoiesis, which is still used by some but it is normal to a low degree in normal mouse spleen.[] is_a: MPATH:515 ! Non-Lymphoid neoplasias [Term] id: MPATH:619 name: truncoconal septal defect def: "Septal defect lying between the aorta and pulmonary trunks caused by failure of the spiral septum to separate the truncus arteriosus." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:93 ! cardiac septation defect [Term] id: MPATH:620 name: inter-atrial septal defect def: "Incomplete closure of the inter-atrial septum due to failure of the primary or secondary septum." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:93 ! cardiac septation defect [Term] id: MPATH:621 name: inter-ventricular septal defect def: "Failure of the inter-ventricular septum to completely close between the left and right ventricles." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:93 ! cardiac septation defect [Term] id: MPATH:622 name: steatosis def: "Abnormal retention of lipids within a cell. Physically apparent as lipid within liposomes of parenchymal cells." [Pathbase: Curation] comment:Most commonly associated with degenerative change in the liver.[] synonym: "adipose degeneration [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "fatty change [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "fatty degeneration [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "lipidosis EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:623 name: synechia def: "An adhesion, usually between the iris and the cornea or the lens capsule." [Millodot; Michel and Daniel Laby. Dictionary of Ophthalmology. London: Butterworth Heinemann; 2002] comment:May also be seen in the uterus ( in humans Asherman`s syndrome).[] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:624 name: involution def: "Turning in of the edges of a structure." [ISBN:0781727286] comment:Not return of an enlarged organ to its normal size.[] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:625 name: avulsion def: "Tearing away or separation of two structures or parts." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:626 name: prolapse def: "To sink down, said of an organ or other part. A sinking of an organ or other part, especially its appearance at a natural or artificial orifice." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:627 name: pyogranulomatous inflammation def: "An inflammatory process in which there is infiltration of polymorphonuclear cells into a more chronic area of inflammation characterized by mononuclear cells, macrophages, lymphocytes and possibly plasma cells." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:215 ! granulomatous inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:628 name: pyogenic granuloma def: "A small rounded mass of inflamed, highly vascular granulation tissue on the skin, frequently having an ulcerated surface. More likely a true neoplasm rather than a reactive lesion." [Mills; S.E.; Cooper; P.H. & Fechner; R.E. (1980). Lobular capillary hemangioma: the underlying lesion of pyogenic granuloma. A study of 73 cases from the oral and nasal mucous membranes. Am J Surg Pathol; 4; 470-9.] synonym: "lobular capillary hemangioma [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:240 ! hemangioma [Term] id: MPATH:629 name: cavernous hemangioma def: "Deep cutaneous hemangioma with large dilated vascular spaces that manifests spontaneous involution." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:240 ! hemangioma [Term] id: MPATH:630 name: karyomegaly def: "Abnormally increased nuclear size." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:460 ! nuclear defect [Term] id: MPATH:631 name: hypertrophic tissue def: "Tissue or cells undergoing hypertrophy, MPATH: 159." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:126 ! growth and differentiation defect [Term] id: MPATH:632 name: Hepatocytomegaly def: "Increase in size of hepatocytes characterised by organelle hyperplasia and enlarged cellular volume." [Journal: Ward; J.M.; Anver; M.R.; Haines; D.C. & Benveniste; R.E. (1994). Chronic active hepatitis in mice caused by Helicobacter hepaticus. Am J Pathol; 145; 959-68.] comment:Hepatocytomegaly is an enlargement of the hepatocytes and is generally classified into three types: hepatocellular hypertrophy, megalocytosis, and hepatocellular vacuolation. Hepatocellular hypertrophy is an enlargement of cellular diameter without accompanying nuclear changes, leading to a net gain in the dry mass of the liver. Megalocytosis is characterized by enlargement of both the cell and the nucleus, and hepatocellular vacuolation is characterized by vacuolation, or formation of pockets of fluid within the hepatocytes.[] xref: PMID:7943185 synonym: "Hepatocellular hypertrophy. EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:631 ! hypertrophic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:633 name: cholelithiasis def: "Presence of concretions in the gallbladder or bile ducts." [ISBN:0781727286] is_a: MPATH:614 ! concretion [Term] id: MPATH:634 name: furunculosis def: "Focal suppurative inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissues, enclosing a central slough or `core`." [ISBN:9780702027888] synonym: "Boil [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:635 name: hydronephrosis def: "Swelling of the kidneys when urine flow is obstructed in any of part of the urinary tract. Severe form of pyelectasia." [ISBN:9780702027888] is_a: MPATH:708 ! pyelectasia [Term] id: MPATH:636 name: steatitis def: "Inflammation of fatty tissue." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:637 name: bursal cyst def: "A retention cyst, resulting from an obstruction to the duct of a gland, within a bursa." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:62 ! cyst [Term] id: MPATH:638 name: cellulitis def: "An acute, diffuse, spreading, edematous, suppurative inflammation of the deep subcutaneous tissues and sometimes muscle, which may be associated with abscess formation." [URL:http\://] comment:It is usually caused by infection of an operative or traumatic wound, burn or other cutaneous lesion by various bacteria, but group A streptococci and Staphylococcus aureus are the most common aetiological agents.[] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:639 name: hydrocephalus def: "Accumulation of water in the ventricles of the brain." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:640 name: osteoid deposition def: "Deposition of organic bone matrix." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:178 ! extracellular matrix deposition [Term] id: MPATH:641 name: epidermal inclusion cyst def: "Intradermal or subcutaneous cyst, the wall of which is stratified epithelium containing keratohyalin granules, surrounding a core of debris." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:62 ! cyst [Term] id: MPATH:642 name: cholesterol deposition def: "Intra or extracellular deposition of cholesterol." [Pathbase: Curation] comment:Often diagnosed morphologically by the presence of cholesterol clefts - bare regions of a section where accumulated cholesterol has been removed by histological processing.[] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:643 name: serous exudate def: "Non-cellular fluid that filters from the circulatory system and accumulates in lesions or areas of inflammation." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:106 ! fluid accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:644 name: crystalloid formation def: "Accumulation of chitinase-like protein." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:645 name: epicarditis def: "epicarditis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:646 name: chondroarthritis def: "chondroarthritis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:647 name: interstitial nephritis def: "interstitial nephritis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation is_a: MPATH:676 ! nephritis [Term] id: MPATH:648 name: interstitial pancreatitis def: "interstitial pancreatitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:649 name: otitis media def: "otitis media" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:650 name: proliferative dermatitis def: "proliferative dermatitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:651 name: ventral glossitis def: "ventral glossitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:611 ! glossitis [Term] id: MPATH:652 name: histiocytosis def: "Benign proliferation of histiocytes." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:194 ! immune mediated disease is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:653 name: langerhans cell histiocytosis def: "langerhans cell histiocytosis" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "histiocytosis X EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:652 ! histiocytosis [Term] id: MPATH:654 name: non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis def: "non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "hemophagocytic syndrome EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:652 ! histiocytosis [Term] id: MPATH:655 name: lingual adenitis def: "lingual adenitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:656 name: hemolysis def: "Rupture or disruption of erythrocytes with release of contents." [MPATH:Curation] comment:May be immune-mediated, induced by infectious organisms, or intrinsic disturbance of cell physiology or membrane/cytoskeletal integrity.[] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:657 name: rhinitis def: "rhinitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:658 name: foreign body rhinitis def: "foreign body rhinitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:657 ! rhinitis [Term] id: MPATH:659 name: foreign body dermatitis def: "foreign body dermatitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:196 ! dermatitis [Term] id: MPATH:660 name: gastritis def: "gastritis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:661 name: foreign body gastritis def: "foreign body gastritis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:660 ! gastritis [Term] id: MPATH:662 name: foreign body glossitis def: "foreign body glossitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:611 ! glossitis [Term] id: MPATH:663 name: peritonitis def: "peritonitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:664 name: granulomatous peritonitis def: "granulomatous peritonitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:215 ! granulomatous inflammation is_a: MPATH:663 ! peritonitis [Term] id: MPATH:665 name: foreign body granulomatous peritonitis def: "foreign body granulomatous peritonitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:215 ! granulomatous inflammation is_a: MPATH:663 ! peritonitis [Term] id: MPATH:666 name: periodontitis def: "periodontitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:667 name: foreign body periodontitis def: "foreign body periodontitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:666 ! periodontitis [Term] id: MPATH:668 name: tracheitis def: "tracheitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:669 name: foreign body tracheitis def: "foreign body tracheitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:668 ! tracheitis [Term] id: MPATH:670 name: granulomatous epicarditis def: "A mixed inflammatory cell infiltrate, primarily macrophages and some syncitial cells, around the heart attached to the epicardium." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:215 ! granulomatous inflammation is_a: MPATH:645 ! epicarditis [Term] id: MPATH:671 name: mastitis def: "mastitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:672 name: mastocytosis def: "mastocytosis" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Urticaria pigmentosa EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:673 name: metritis def: "metritis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:674 name: osteomyelitis def: "osteomyelitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:675 name: psoriasiform dermatitis def: "psoriasiform dermatitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:196 ! dermatitis [Term] id: MPATH:676 name: nephritis def: "nephritis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:677 name: pyelonephritis def: "pyelonephritis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:676 ! nephritis [Term] id: MPATH:678 name: septic nephritis def: "septic nephritis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:676 ! nephritis [Term] id: MPATH:679 name: urocystitis def: "urocystitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:680 name: septic urocystitis def: "septic urocystitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:679 ! urocystitis [Term] id: MPATH:681 name: septicemia def: "septicemia" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:682 name: arteritis def: "arteritis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:201 ! vasculitis [Term] id: MPATH:683 name: degenerative arthritis def: "degenerative arthritis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:195 ! arthritis is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process is_a: MPATH:684 ! arthropathy [Term] id: MPATH:684 name: arthropathy def: "arthropathy" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process is_a: MPATH:655 ! lingual adenitis [Term] id: MPATH:685 name: accessory organ def: "accessory organ" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:84 ! supernumerary structure [Term] id: MPATH:686 name: amputation def: "amputation" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:67 ! displacement and deformity [Term] id: MPATH:687 name: autoamputation def: "autoamputation" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:686 ! amputation [Term] id: MPATH:688 name: aortitis def: "aortitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:201 ! vasculitis [Term] id: MPATH:689 name: lymphangitis def: "lymphangitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:201 ! vasculitis [Term] id: MPATH:690 name: phlebitis def: "phlebitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:201 ! vasculitis [Term] id: MPATH:691 name: pustule def: "pustule" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "cutaneous abscess EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:608 ! abscess [Term] id: MPATH:692 name: ulcerative blepharitis def: "ulcerative blepharitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:546 ! blepharitis [Term] id: MPATH:693 name: pyometra def: "pyometra" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:673 ! metritis [Term] id: MPATH:694 name: acidophilic anterior pituitary gland adenoma def: "acidophilic anterior pituitary gland adenoma" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:695 name: spindle cell sarcoma def: "spindle cell sarcoma" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:551 ! sarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:696 name: spindle cell hyperplasia def: "spindle cell hyperplasia" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:697 name: alopecia areata def: "alopecia areata" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:26 ! alopecia [Term] id: MPATH:698 name: exostosis def: "exostosis" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "osteophytes " [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:126 ! growth and differentiation defect [Term] id: MPATH:699 name: ankylosing exostosis def: "ankylosing exostosis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:698 ! exostosis [Term] id: MPATH:700 name: ascites def: "ascites" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:701 name: developmental aspermia def: "developmental aspermia" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities is_a: MPATH:796 ! aspermia [Term] id: MPATH:702 name: acquired aspermia def: "acquired aspermia" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:796 ! aspermia [Term] id: MPATH:703 name: developmental hypoplasia def: "developmental hypoplasia" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:599 ! developmental process abnormalities [Term] id: MPATH:704 name: thyroiditis def: "thyroiditis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:705 name: acinar atrophy def: "acinar atrophy" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:127 ! atrophy [Term] id: MPATH:706 name: cryptorchidism def: "cryptorchidism" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:86 ! organ specific developmental defect [Term] id: MPATH:707 name: angiolipoma def: "angiolipoma" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:415 ! lipomatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:708 name: pyelectasia def: "Distension of the renal pelvis by accumulated fluid or urine." [: "Pathbase: Curation"] comment:May be fetal or adult.[] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:709 name: alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma def: "Malignant tumor of striated muscle or pluripotential mesenchymal stem cells composed mainly of small round cells, with some partial skeletal muscle differentiation." [ICD-O:8920/3] is_a: MPATH:428 ! rhabdomyosarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:710 name: embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma def: "Malignant mesenchymal tumor that morphologically and phenotypically resembles embryonal skeletal muscle." [ICD-O:8910/3; ICDO-:8912/3] comment:Includes spindle cell, botryoid, anaplastic.[] synonym: " Rhabdopoietic Sarcoma " [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: " Sarcoma Botryoides [][Soft Tissues]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Embryonal Sarcoma " [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Malignant Rhabdomyoma " [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Myosarcoma EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:428 ! rhabdomyosarcoma [Term] id: MPATH:711 name: situs ambiguus def: "situs ambiguus" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:470 ! left/right axis defect [Term] id: MPATH:712 name: heterotaxy def: "heterotaxy" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:470 ! left/right axis defect [Term] id: MPATH:713 name: situs ambiguus totalis def: "situs ambiguus totalis" [Pathbase: Curation] xref: XX: synonym: "situs inversus with dextrocardia " [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:720 ! situs inversus [Term] id: MPATH:714 name: situs inversus with levocardia def: "situs inversus with levocardia" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:720 ! situs inversus [Term] id: MPATH:715 name: sinusitis def: "sinusitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:716 name: ciliary motility defect def: "ciliary motility defect" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "primary ciliary dyskinesis " [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:17 ! subcellular defect [Term] id: MPATH:717 name: sequestrum def: "sequestrum" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:Most often used in the context of bone.[] is_a: MPATH:1 ! cell and tissue damage [Term] id: MPATH:718 name: pre-sacral teratoma def: "Generally benign germ cell derived tumors of male or female containing derivatives from all three germ layers with differentiation in the malignant form being poor. Pre-sacral tumors located in the retrorectal space between the rectum and the sacrococcygeal part of the spine." [: "Pathology Curation"] is_a: MPATH:322 ! teratoma [Term] id: MPATH:719 name: bronchiectasia def: "bronchiectasia" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:474 ! ectasia [Term] id: MPATH:720 name: situs inversus def: "situs inversus" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:470 ! left/right axis defect [Term] id: MPATH:721 name: Sacrococcygeal teratoma def: "Generally benign germ cell derived tumors of male or female containing derivatives from all three germ layers with differentiation in the malignant form being poor. Sacrococcygeal tumors are located at the base of the coccyx." [: "MPATH Curation"] is_a: MPATH:322 ! teratoma [Term] id: MPATH:722 name: rhabdomyoma def: "Benign stromal tumors of the soft tissue with skeletal muscle differentiation." [ICD-O:M-8900/0; PMID:3525381] comment:Adult and fetal types.[] is_a: MPATH:423 ! myomatous tumor [Term] id: MPATH:723 name: fibromatosis def: "Systemic manifestation of MPATH: 407." [ICDO:M-8822/1] synonym: " Musculoaponeurotic Fibromatosis " [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Aggressive Fibromatosis " [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Desmoid Tumor EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Plantar Fibromatosis (Ledderhose Disease) " [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:407 ! fibroma [Term] id: MPATH:724 name: xanthoma def: "Dermal, subcutaneous, or tendinous lesions characterized by accumulations of lipid-laden macrophages often rich in cholesterol." [MPATH:Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:42 ! lipid deposition [Term] id: MPATH:725 name: chronic interstitial nephritis def: "chronic interstitial nephritis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:647 ! interstitial nephritis [Term] id: MPATH:726 name: hemosiderosis def: "hemosiderosis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:41 ! iron deposition [Term] id: MPATH:727 name: hepatic hemosiderosis def: "hepatic hemosiderosis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:726 ! hemosiderosis [Term] id: MPATH:728 name: pulmonary hemosiderosis def: "pulmonary hemosiderosis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:726 ! hemosiderosis [Term] id: MPATH:729 name: splenic melanosis def: "splenic melanosis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:44 ! melanin deposition [Term] id: MPATH:730 name: renal tubular concretion def: "renal tubular concretion" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:614 ! concretion [Term] id: MPATH:731 name: Leydig cell hyperplasia def: "Leydig cell hyperplasia" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:732 name: tracheal gland ectasia def: "tracheal gland ectasia" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:474 ! ectasia [Term] id: MPATH:733 name: mucometra def: "A uterus distended with a fluid containing large quantities of mucin." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:547 ! mucous secretions [Term] id: MPATH:734 name: acute blepharitis def: "acute blepharitis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:546 ! blepharitis [Term] id: MPATH:735 name: molar hypercementosis def: "Thickening of the cementum layer of the molars." [MPATH:Sundberg] comment:This is usually a normal adaptive response, serving to improve the functional properties of teeth during aging.[] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:736 name: ovarian follicular cyst def: "ovarian follicular cyst" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:A variety of cysts develop in the ovary. They are subdivided based on where they develop anatomically. Ovarian follicles in this case become large and fluid filled.[] is_a: MPATH:62 ! cyst [Term] id: MPATH:737 name: retinal degeneration def: "retinal degeneration" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:Usually rd6-outer retinal photoreceptor degeneration[] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:738 name: uterine cystic endometrial hyperplasia def: "uterine cystic endometrial hyperplasia" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:The uterus of older female mice often becomes distended with numerous fluid filled cysts that extend from the endometrium.[] is_a: MPATH:134 ! hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:739 name: sub-retinal hemorrhage def: "Extravascular blood between retina and choroid" [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:119 ! hemorrhage and non-specified extravasation [Term] id: MPATH:740 name: drusen def: "Tiny yellow or white deposits of lamellar or amorphous extracellular material that build up between retina and retinal pigment epithelium." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:45 ! protein deposition [Term] id: MPATH:741 name: splenomegaly def: "An increase in size of the spleen." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:742 name: intervertebral disk prolapse def: "Rupture of the intervertebral disc, usually dorsally to compress the spinal cord, secondary to trauma." [MPATH:Sundberg] comment:These become more common with age.[] is_a: MPATH:626 ! prolapse [Term] id: MPATH:743 name: hepatic centrolobular fatty metamorphosis def: "Accumulation of clear large vacuoles in hepatocytes (most likely lipid pending frozen sections and oil red O or other lipid stains) around central veins." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:622 ! steatosis [Term] id: MPATH:744 name: pigmentary incontinence def: "Release of melanin pigment in the dermis." [MPATH:Sundberg] comment:Observed as melanin pigment within macrophages in the dermis. Inflammation in the epidermis stimulates melanocytes to increase the synthesis of melanin and subsequently to transfer the pigment to surrounding keratinocytes. If the basal layer is injured (e.g. lichen planus), melanin pigment is released and subsequently trapped by macrophages in the papillary dermis.[] is_a: MPATH:47 ! intracellular and extracellular depletion [Term] id: MPATH:745 name: zenker`s necrosis def: "Degenerative changes in skeletal muscle including hyalinization, swelling, fragmentation, vacuolation eventually resulting in death of muscle fibers." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:4 ! necrosis [Term] id: MPATH:746 name: cartilagenous erosion def: "Fragmentation and erosion of articular cartilage." [MPATH::Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:747 name: renal tubular amyloidosis def: "Pink amorphous material (amyloid) deposited within the renal tubules." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:34 ! amyloid deposition [Term] id: MPATH:748 name: recanalised thrombus def: "An old organized thrombus that has been recanalized to permit blood flow." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:125 ! thrombosis [Term] id: MPATH:749 name: focal pulmonary fibrosis def: "Various degrees of pulmonary interstitial fibrosis." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:181 ! fibrosis [Term] id: MPATH:750 name: pulmonary adenomatosis def: "Neoplastic proliferation of cuboidal cells lining alveoli most likely type II pneumocytes." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:270 ! adenoma [Term] id: MPATH:751 name: pigment dispersion def: "Free pigment in anterior chamber/elsewhere in eye." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:47 ! intracellular and extracellular depletion [Term] id: MPATH:752 name: barbered def: "loss of hair resulting from a behavioral abnormality in which the mouse, or more often other mice mice in the same box, remove hairs, initially vibrissae, from each other." [MPATH:Sundberg] comment:This is a form of trichotillomania.[] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:753 name: gastric forestomach papillomatous hyperplasia def: "The forestomach of the mouse is lined by stratified squamous epithelia. At the limiting ridge there is hyperplasia to various degrees in which this epithelium proliferates to form raised areas on thin fibrovascular stalks." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:138 ! epithelial hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:754 name: splenic hemosiderosis def: "Spleen contains foci of macrophages containing yellow brown pigment that is positive for iron using Prussian blue." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:726 ! hemosiderosis [Term] id: MPATH:755 name: pulmonary interstitial mineralisation def: "Small foci of mineralization within the interstitium between alveoli." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:555 ! mineralisation is_a: MPATH:757 ! interstitial mineralization [Term] id: MPATH:756 name: polyarteritis nodosa def: "Chronic inflammation in and around small and medium sized arteries, often in more than one location." [MPATH:Sundberg] synonym: "Kussmaul disease " [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Kussmaul-Maier disease " [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:682 ! arteritis [Term] id: MPATH:757 name: interstitial mineralization def: "Foci of mineralization within the interstitium of a tissue." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:555 ! mineralisation [Term] id: MPATH:758 name: renal interstitial mineralisation def: "Small foci of mineralization within the interstitium between tubules." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:757 ! interstitial mineralization [Term] id: MPATH:759 name: pseudocyesis def: "Appearance of clinical and/or subclinical signs and symptoms associated with pregnancy when the animal is not pregnant" [MPATH:Sundberg] comment:Virgin females have mammary acini and ducts dilated to various degrees filled with proteinaceous materials suggestive of lactation or involution.[] xref: XX: synonym: "false pregnancy EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:474 ! ectasia [Term] id: MPATH:760 name: ovarian bursal cyst def: "Marked dilatation of the ovarian bursa." [MPATH:Sundberg] comment:May compress the ovary[] is_a: MPATH:637 ! bursal cyst [Term] id: MPATH:761 name: muscle regeneration def: "Linear palisaiding of nuclei within thin pale muscle fibers suggestive of repair." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:607 ! healing and repair structure [Term] id: MPATH:762 name: thyroid follicle pleomorphism def: "Thyroid gland follicles are filled with colloid but vary greatly in size." [MPATH:Sundberg] comment:Suggestive of goiter or other functional abnormality.[] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:763 name: sialocele def: "Salivary gland duct occlusion resulting in massive enlargement forming a large cyst-like structure." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:62 ! cyst [Term] id: MPATH:764 name: fracture def: "A fracture is the (local) separation of a bone into two, or more, pieces under the action of stress." [MPATH:PNS] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:765 name: fracture and healing def: "Break in bone associated with exostoses." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:764 ! fracture [Term] id: MPATH:766 name: intestinal amyloidosis def: "The lamina propria is distended with amorphous hyalinized material interpreted to be amyloid protein." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:34 ! amyloid deposition [Term] id: MPATH:767 name: Meckel`s diverticulum def: "A Meckel`s diverticulum is a pouch on the wall of the lower part of the intestine that is present at birth." [PMH:0001281 "http\://"] is_a: MPATH:68 ! diverticulum [Term] id: MPATH:768 name: septic necrosis def: "Necrosis associated with or caused by local bacterial infection." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:4 ! necrosis [Term] id: MPATH:769 name: uterine septic necrosis def: "Necrosis of the uterine wall with large bacterial colonies on its surface." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:768 ! septic necrosis [Term] id: MPATH:770 name: abnormal organ size def: "Abnormal organ dimensions or weight" [MPATH:; MPATH:PNS] is_a: MPATH:86 ! organ specific developmental defect [Term] id: MPATH:771 name: abnormal organ length def: "Abnormality of extent of the normal long axis" [MPATH:; MPATH:PNS] is_a: MPATH:770 ! abnormal organ size [Term] id: MPATH:772 name: abnormal organ mass def: "Abnormal mass of organ" [MPATH:; MPATH:PNS] is_a: MPATH:770 ! abnormal organ size [Term] id: MPATH:773 name: abnormal intestine length def: "Abnormal length of the intestine." [MPATH:PNS] is_a: MPATH:771 ! abnormal organ length [Term] id: MPATH:774 name: focal hepatic coagulative necrosis def: "Focal necrosis in the liver often but not always associated with thrombosis." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:7 ! coagulation necrosis [Term] id: MPATH:775 name: compression def: "Exertion of abnormal force on a structure or structures usually resulting in deformation and damage." [mpath:; MPATH:PNS] is_a: MPATH:15 ! general degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:776 name: spermatocoele def: "A spermatocoele is a cyst that contains spermatozoa. ." [MPATH:PNS] comment:They occur in the head of the epididymis or less commonly, in the spermatic cord.[] is_a: MPATH:62 ! cyst [Term] id: MPATH:777 name: urelithiasis def: "Formation of urinary concretions in any part of the kidney." [MPATH:PNS] is_a: MPATH:614 ! concretion [Term] id: MPATH:778 name: def: "" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:614 ! concretion [Term] id: MPATH:779 name: uretolithiasis def: "Formation or urinary concretions in the ureter." [MPATH:PNS] is_a: MPATH:777 ! urelithiasis [Term] id: MPATH:780 name: pseudoxanthoma elasticum def: "Pseudoxanthoma elasticum is a progressive disorder characterized by accumulated deposits of calcium and other minerals in elastic fibers." [MPATH:PNS] is_a: MPATH:36 ! calcium deposition [Term] id: MPATH:781 name: encephalomalacia def: "Softening of brain tissue, usually caused by vascular insufficiency or degenerative changes." [MPATH:PNS] comment:Areas in the brain where the parenchyma is blanched. Cells in this area are pycnotic. This may be the sequela of an infarction.[] synonym: "cerebromalacia EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:782 name: phthisis bulbi def: "Collapse of the eye globe associated with degenerative changes." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:783 name: B6 dermatitis def: "Follicular dystrophy, rupture, foreign body reaction, ulceration, scarring, pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia are part of a syndrome commonly called B6 dermatitis in black strains of mice." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:196 ! dermatitis [Term] id: MPATH:784 name: follicular atresia def: "Degeneration and resorption of an ovarian follicle before it reaches maturity and ruptures." [MPATH:PNS] comment:Included here to permit annotation of unusual patterns or atresia; abnormal numbers of atretic follicles or abnoral size or distribution.[] is_a: MPATH:25 ! tissue specific degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:785 name: bone marrow granulopoiesis def: "Marked production of granulocytes, primarily neutrophils, usually in response to a major acute inflammatory response." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:188 ! immunopathology [Term] id: MPATH:786 name: inspissation def: "The drying, thickening and coagulation of extracellular secretions or fluids." [MPATH:PNS] is_a: MPATH:15 ! general degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:787 name: intervertebral disk prolapse ventral def: "Ventral prolapse of the intervertebral disk." [MPATH:Sundberg] comment:Ventral prolapse is quite rare but found in ageing mice.[] is_a: MPATH:742 ! intervertebral disk prolapse [Term] id: MPATH:788 name: testicular torsion def: "The testicle twisted around the vascular tract to constrict flow resulting in liquifactive necrosis of the affected testicle." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:562 ! torsion [Term] id: MPATH:789 name: trichogranuloma def: "Dermal granuloma surrounding hair fibers." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:847 ! granuloma [Term] id: MPATH:790 name: bilateral retinal degeneration def: "Retinal degeneration of both eyes." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:737 ! retinal degeneration [Term] id: MPATH:791 name: cartilagenous embolism def: "Occlusion of a vessel by a piece of dissected cartilage." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:110 ! embolus [Term] id: MPATH:792 name: lymph node reticuloendothelial cell hyperplasia def: "Proliferation of the reticuloendothelial cells in the medulla of the lymph node." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:793 name: reactive splenomegaly def: "An increase in the size of the spleen due to ongoing acute or chronic infection." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:188 ! immunopathology [Term] id: MPATH:794 name: melena def: "Digested blood in the lumen of the stomach or small intestine, indicative of hemorrhage." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:119 ! hemorrhage and non-specified extravasation [Term] id: MPATH:795 name: psammoma body def: "Round , often laminar, non-proteinaceous eosinophilic bodies representing calcium deposition." [MPATH:Sundberg] comment:Psammoma bodies are associated with the papillary (nipple-like) histomorphology and are thought to arise from (1) the infarction and calcification of papillae tips and (2) calcification of intralymphatic tumor thrombi.[] is_a: MPATH:36 ! calcium deposition [Term] id: MPATH:796 name: aspermia def: "Lack of sperm." [MPATH:Sundberg] comment:May be through failure of spermatogenesis, or increased death.[] is_a: MPATH:797 ! spermatogenesis defect [Term] id: MPATH:797 name: spermatogenesis defect def: "Compromise or abnormality of the process of spermatogenesis" [MPATH:PNS] is_a: MPATH:604 ! defective growth and differentiation process [Term] id: MPATH:798 name: hypospermia def: "Reduced numbers of sperm." [MPATH:PNS] is_a: MPATH:797 ! spermatogenesis defect [Term] id: MPATH:799 name: scoliosis def: "Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature of the spine. The spine curves away from the middle or sideways." [MPATH:Sundberg] synonym: " EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:86 ! organ specific developmental defect is_a: MPATH:871 ! spinal structural defects [Term] id: MPATH:800 name: intervertebral disk prolapse dorsal def: "Dorsal prolapse of the intervertebral disk." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:742 ! intervertebral disk prolapse [Term] id: MPATH:801 name: intervertebral disks prolapsed dorsally and ventrally def: "Presence of dorsal and ventrally prolapsed disks in the same vertebral column." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:742 ! intervertebral disk prolapse [Term] id: MPATH:802 name: rectal prolapse def: "Eversion through the anus." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:626 ! prolapse [Term] id: MPATH:803 name: trabecular bone thickening def: "Thickening of trabecular bone." [MPATH:Sundberg] comment:Not osteopetrosis.[] is_a: MPATH:126 ! growth and differentiation defect [Term] id: MPATH:804 name: cavernous lymphangioma def: "Large numbers of thin-walled dilated lymphatic channels situated in the dermis, subcutis or skeletal muscle." [ISBN:0-19-261976-4] comment:This is a developmental malformation[] is_a: MPATH:420 ! lymphangioma [Term] id: MPATH:805 name: cystic hygroma def: "Variant of cavernous lymphangioma (MPATH:804) showing gross dilatation of lymphatic channels." [ISBN:0-19-261976-4] synonym: "Cystic lymphangioma. " [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:420 ! lymphangioma [Term] id: MPATH:806 name: lymphangioma circumscriptum def: "Cutaneous grouped collection of thin-walled translucent vessels, which appear at birth or in early infancy and are commonest around the limb girdles." [ISBN:0-19-261976-4 "Oxford Textbook of Pathology pp 935-6"] comment:Generally believed to represent a developmental defect but may be associated with surgery.[] is_a: MPATH:420 ! lymphangioma [Term] id: MPATH:807 name: hygroma def: "Large cystic subcutaneous spaces usually found in the flexures, especially around the neck." [ISBN:0-19-261976-4 "Oxfrod Textbook of Pathology p 927"] comment:Obstruction of the developing lymphatics may contribute to their genesis.[] synonym: "Cystic hygroma " [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:62 ! cyst [Term] id: MPATH:808 name: lymphedema def: "Accumulation of interstitial fluid caused by blockage or failure of the lymphatic system." [ISBN:0-19-261976-4 "Oxford Textbook of Pathology p 928"] comment:Not be confused with edema arising from venous insufficiency, which is not lymphedema.[] synonym: "Lymphoedema EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:109 ! edema [Term] id: MPATH:809 name: nuchal edema def: "Edema of the posterior aspect of the fetal neck caused by an accumulation of fluid, usually lymph." [MPATH:Pathology committee] is_a: MPATH:109 ! edema [Term] id: MPATH:810 name: follicular dystrophy def: "Degenerative changes in hair follicles resulting in a deformed hair fiber, sometimes root sheath hyperplasia and follicular rupture." [MPATH:Sundberg] is_a: MPATH:554 ! dystrophy [Term] id: MPATH:811 name: epicardial mineralization def: "Deposition of minerals in the epicardium." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:555 ! mineralisation [Term] id: MPATH:812 name: blister def: "A collection of fluid underneath the top layer of skin (epidermis)." [MPATH:curation] comment:Most blisters are filled with a clear fluid called serum or plasma. However, blisters can be filled with blood (known as blood blisters) or with pus (if they become infected).[] is_a: MPATH:1 ! cell and tissue damage [Term] id: MPATH:813 name: epidermolysis bullosa lesions def: "Lesions of a connective tissue disease causing blisters in the skin and mucosal membranes." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:812 ! blister [Term] id: MPATH:814 name: focal hepatic lipidosis def: "Locally circumscribed regions of fatty change." [MPATH:curation] synonym: "focal fatty change EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:622 ! steatosis [Term] id: MPATH:815 name: macrovesicular lipidosis def: "subtype of steatosis with Hepatocytes containing a large well-defined single rounded vacuole within each cell, nucleus and cytoplasm displaced to the periphery," [PMID: 21191096] synonym: "macrovesicular steatosis. EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:622 ! steatosis [Term] id: MPATH:816 name: microvesicular lipidosis def: "Variant form of hepatic steatosis. Hepatocytes partially or completely filled with numerous small lipid vacuoles. Affected hepatocytes may have a foamy appearance.Small vacuoles do not normally displace the nucleus to the periphery in contrast to macrovesicular lipidosis." [PMID:21191096] synonym: "microvesicular fatty change EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "microvesicular steatosis EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:622 ! steatosis [Term] id: MPATH:817 name: hydropic degeneration def: "Form of degenerative process in which there is Intracytoplasmic fluid accumulation secondary to disturbance of cell membrane integrity." [MPATH:curation] comment:Cytoplasmic vacuolation and ballooning with a centrally located nucleus.[] synonym: " " [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "cloudy swelling EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "hydropic change EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:15 ! general degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:818 name: focal pulmonary histiocytosis def: "focal pulmonary histiocytosis" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:652 ! histiocytosis [Term] id: MPATH:819 name: focal renal pelvic mineralisation. def: "focal renal pelvic mineralisation." [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:555 ! mineralisation [Term] id: MPATH:820 name: goitre def: "Increase in size of the thyroid gland caused initially by uniform follicular epithelial hyperplasia generally in response to iodine deficiency." [MPATH:curation] synonym: "goiter EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "hyperplastic goitre " [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:821 name: hypoplastic tissue def: "Tissue showing smaller mass as a consequence of deficient proliferation or premature differentiation." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:126 ! growth and differentiation defect [Term] id: MPATH:822 name: hypoplastic gut associated lymphoid tissue def: "Reduced mass of GALT resulting form fewer cells." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:821 ! hypoplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:823 name: myxofibroma def: "A benign neoplasm characterized by mucous and fibroblastic tissues." [MPATH:curation] synonym: "fibroma myxomatodes. " [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "Fibromyxoma EXACT" [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:407 ! fibroma [Term] id: MPATH:824 name: myofibroma def: "A benign localized neoplasm arising from the subcutaneous tissues and skeletal muscle. It is characterized by the presence of myofibroblastic hyperchromatic spindle cells, hylanized stroma formation, calcification, necrosis, and a multinodular growth pattern." [CUI:C1266121 "NCI metathesaurus"] synonym: "Solitary Myofibromatosis " [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:407 ! fibroma [Term] id: MPATH:825 name: vacuolation def: "Generation of intracytoplasmic vacuoles otherwise unspecified." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:15 ! general degenerative process [Term] id: MPATH:826 name: granulomatous dermatitis def: "granulomatous inflammation of the skin" [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:215 ! granulomatous inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:827 name: chronic dermatitis def: "chronic inflammation of the skin" [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:214 ! chronic inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:828 name: focal dermatitis def: "locally demarcated region of inflammation in the skin" [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:196 ! dermatitis [Term] id: MPATH:829 name: true hermaphrodite def: "possession of both ovary and testis due to primary sex determination defect" [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:86 ! organ specific developmental defect [Term] id: MPATH:830 name: regeneration def: "repair, reproduction, or replacement of lost or injured cells, tissues, or organs." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:604 ! defective growth and differentiation process [Term] id: MPATH:831 name: multifocal muscle regeneration def: "multilocular sites of muscle regeneration with centrally located nuclei." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:830 ! regeneration [Term] id: MPATH:832 name: paraphimosis def: "persistent retraction of the prepuce behind the glans penis" [MPATH:curation] comment:generally due to inflammation, but can cause further inflammation which exacerbates the condition[] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:833 name: subacute inflammation def: "transition between acute and chronic inflammation." [mpath:curation] comment:time varies form a few days to a week or so. Cells mainly lymphocytes and plasma cells, few macrophages or neutrophils. Less hemorrhage, edema and hyperemia.[] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:834 name: ovarian tubulostromal tumor def: "non-malignant neoplasia of the ovary." [ISBN:0-944398-45-6 "page 457"; MPATH:curation] synonym: "tubular adenoma " [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:556 ! potentially cancerous lesions [Term] id: MPATH:835 name: acute septic inflammation def: "acute inflammation due to infection." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:213 ! acute inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:836 name: dermal fibrosis def: "fibrosis in the skin" [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:181 ! fibrosis [Term] id: MPATH:837 name: hepatic mid-zonal fatty metamorphosis def: "Fatty change in the mid-zonal region of the liver." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:622 ! steatosis [Term] id: MPATH:838 name: anaplastic carcinoma def: "carcinoma with an absence of epithelial structural differentiation." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:549 ! carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:839 name: anaplastic hepatocellular carcinoma def: "anaplastic carcinoma of the liver." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:357 ! hepatocellular carcinoma is_a: MPATH:838 ! anaplastic carcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:840 name: granulomatous arthritis def: "arthitis involving extensive macrophage infiltration into the joint." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:195 ! arthritis is_a: MPATH:215 ! granulomatous inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:841 name: anopthalmia def: "Absence of eye." [MPATH:curation] comment:may be uni or bilateral[] is_a: MPATH:86 ! organ specific developmental defect [Term] id: MPATH:842 name: coccygeal hemivertebrae def: "abnormally shaped vertebral body often triangular as opposed to rectangular." [PMID:1666161] comment:spontaneous or induced developmental lesion[] is_a: MPATH:67 ! displacement and deformity [Term] id: MPATH:843 name: stasis def: "Cessation of movement of a body fluid or liquid." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:80 ! obstruction and stenosis [Term] id: MPATH:844 name: biliary stasis def: "Cessation of the flow of bile due to bile duct blockage or overproduction." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:843 ! stasis [Term] id: MPATH:845 name: partial abortion def: "Evidence of residual placenta in utero without embryo." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:100 ! placental abnormality [Term] id: MPATH:846 name: foreign body acute pododermatitis def: "acute inflammation of the footpad caused by foreign body." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:659 ! foreign body dermatitis [Term] id: MPATH:847 name: granuloma def: "Collection of epithelioid macrophages into a nodule" [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:215 ! granulomatous inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:848 name: effacing granuloma def: "Replacement of normal tissue by granuloma." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:847 ! granuloma [Term] id: MPATH:849 name: anaplastic mammary adenocarcinoma def: "poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of the mammary gland" [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:268 ! adenocarcinoma [Term] id: MPATH:850 name: post-traumatic structural abnormality def: "Morphological abnormality following trauma or related insult such as infection." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:851 name: auricular deformation def: "acquired dysmorphology of the external pinna following trauma or infection." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:850 ! post-traumatic structural abnormality [Term] id: MPATH:852 name: plasmacytosis def: "A condition in which there is an unusually large proportion of plasma cells in tissues, exudates, or blood." [MPAHTH:curation] is_a: MPATH:194 ! immune mediated disease [Term] id: MPATH:853 name: systemic plasmacytosis def: "Abnormality of circulating plasma cells" [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:852 ! plasmacytosis [Term] id: MPATH:854 name: cutaneous plasmacytosis def: "Plasmacytosis in the skin." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:852 ! plasmacytosis [Term] id: MPATH:855 name: Splendore-Hoeppli phenomenon def: "In vivo formation of intensely eosinophilic material (radiate, star-like, asteroid or club-shaped configurations) around microorganisms (fungi, bacteria and parasites) or biologically inert substances." [PMID:18976399] is_a: MPATH:194 ! immune mediated disease [Term] id: MPATH:856 name: bullous emphysema def: "Rupture of alveolar walls result in large rounded open air spaces in the lung" [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:31 ! emphysema [Term] id: MPATH:857 name: multifocal bullous emphysema def: "mutilocular bullous emphysema" [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:856 ! bullous emphysema [Term] id: MPATH:858 name: capillary hemangioma def: "Benign proliferation of capillaries made up of closely packed aggregations of capillaries, usually of normal caliber, separated by scant connective stroma." [MPATH:curation] comment:Most common kind of hemangioma thought to be derived from primitive mesenchymal stem cells.[] is_a: MPATH:240 ! hemangioma [Term] id: MPATH:859 name: botryomycosis def: "Chronic granulomatous bacterial infection that affects the skin, and sometimes the viscera. Usually caused by S. aureus." [ISBN: 0-7216-2921-0.] is_a: MPATH:627 ! pyogranulomatous inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:860 name: cholecystitis def: "inflammation of the gall bladder" [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:861 name: edematous cholecystitis def: "cholecystitis associated with edema" [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:860 ! cholecystitis [Term] id: MPATH:862 name: flatus def: "Accumulation or trapping of air" [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:33 ! intracellular and extracellular accumulation [Term] id: MPATH:863 name: focal ulcerative dermatitis def: "circumscribed ulceration of the skin penetrating the basement membrane as part of inflammation process." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:196 ! dermatitis [Term] id: MPATH:864 name: otitis externa def: "Inflammation of the outer ear." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:865 name: foreign body acute papillomatous glossitis def: "Papillomatous inflammation of the tongue caused by a foreign body." [MPATH:curationf>] is_a: MPATH:662 ! foreign body glossitis [Term] id: MPATH:866 name: gastric adenomatous hyperplasia def: "Thickening of the glandular epithelium" [MPATH:curation] comment:Often with crystalloid formation[] is_a: MPATH:138 ! epithelial hyperplasia [Term] id: MPATH:867 name: hepatic central vein perivascular fibrosis def: "Major hepatic vein surrounded by fibrous connective tissue." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:181 ! fibrosis [Term] id: MPATH:868 name: uterine ectasia def: "Dilation of the uterus" [MPATH:curation] comment:Usually assciated iwth hydrpometra[] synonym: "hydrometra " [Pathbase: Curation] is_a: MPATH:474 ! ectasia [Term] id: MPATH:869 name: intussception def: "Condition in which a part of the intestine has invaginated into another section of intestine," [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:56 ! developmental or adult structural defect [Term] id: MPATH:870 name: junctional epidermolysis bullosa def: "severe type of the disorder generally apparent at birth.Junctional epidermolysis bullosa involves defects in hemidesmosomes. t" [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:813 ! epidermolysis bullosa lesions [Term] id: MPATH:871 name: spinal structural defects def: "Structural defects of the bony and muscular components of the vertebrae." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:86 ! organ specific developmental defect [Term] id: MPATH:872 name: kyphosis def: "Abnormality of the kyphotic curvature of the spine." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:871 ! spinal structural defects [Term] id: MPATH:873 name: micropthalmia def: "Reduced size of the eye globe." [MPATH:curation] is_a: MPATH:770 ! abnormal organ size [Term] id: MPATH:874 name: plasmacytosis def: "Plasmacytosis is a hyperplastic condition in which there is an unusually large proportion of mature plasma cells in tissues, exudates, or blood." [MPATH:Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:602 ! hyperplastic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:875 name: cutaneous plasmacytosis def: "cutaneous manifestation of plasmacytosis" [MPATH:Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:874 ! plasmacytosis [Term] id: MPATH:876 name: systemic plasmacytosis def: "systemic manifestation of plasmacytosis. Disseminated in the circulation." [MPATH:Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:874 ! plasmacytosis [Term] id: MPATH:877 name: pneumonia def: "An inflammatory condition of the lung, especially affecting the alveoli, associated with fever, chest symptoms, and congestion." [http\://] comment:Typically caused by an infection but there are a number of other causes. Infectious agents include: bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.[] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:878 name: foreign body aspiration pneumonia def: "Pneumonia caused by aspiration of a foreign body." [MPATH:Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:877 ! pneumonia [Term] id: MPATH:879 name: gingivitis def: "Inflammation of the tooth gum" [MPATH:Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:880 name: foreign body gingivitis def: "inflammation of the tooth gum caused by a foreign body." [MAPTH:; MPATH:Pathology Committee] comment:Generally caused by hair or food debris[] is_a: MPATH:879 ! gingivitis [Term] id: MPATH:881 name: reactive fibrosis def: "Fibrotic reaction to presence of a foreign body." [MPATH:Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:181 ! fibrosis [Term] id: MPATH:882 name: hepatic peri-ductal inflammation def: "Inflammatory cell infiltrate around bile ducts within the liver." [MPATH:JPS] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:883 name: pneumonitis def: "An interstitial, granulomatous, fibrosing inflammation of the lung, especially of the bronchioles and alveoli." [MPATH:JPS] is_a: MPATH:212 ! inflammation [Term] id: MPATH:884 name: histiocytic pneumonitis def: "Pneumonitis involving subpleural histiocytosis." [MPATH:JPS] is_a: MPATH:883 ! pneumonitis [Term] id: MPATH:885 name: metastatic tumor def: "metastatic tumour of unspecified origin" [MPATH:Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:218 ! neoplasm [Term] id: MPATH:886 name: pulmonary metastasis def: "Metastatic tumour of unspecified origin in the lung." [MPATH:Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:885 ! metastatic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:887 name: lymphatic metastasis def: "Metastatic tumor in the lymphatic vessels or lymph nodes of unspecified origin." [MPATH:Pathology Committee] is_a: MPATH:885 ! metastatic tumor [Term] id: MPATH:888 name: onychogryphosis def: "Hypertrophy of the nail bed resulting in abnormally long, curved and thickened nails." [MPATH:JPS] is_a: MPATH:631 ! hypertrophic tissue [Term] id: MPATH:65 name: developmental hypoplasia def: "Underdevelopment of an organ due to a decrease in the number of cells through failure to proliferate leading to lack of development." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:69 name: ectopia def: "ectopia" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete - Subsumed into heterotopia MPATH:76[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:88 name: nephroblastomatosis def: "nephroblastomatosis" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:Obsolete - subsumed into MPATH:82[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:129 name: epithelial dysplasia def: "epithelial dysplasia" [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:obsolete due to renaming of preneoplastic dysplasias and Intraepithelial neoplasias Use MPATH:128.[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:203 name: general immunodeficiency disease def: "general immunodeficiency disease" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete. Subsumed into MPATH:202[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:204 name: chronic/recurrent inflammatory disease def: "chronic/recurrent inflammatory disease" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete. Subsumed into MPATH: 214.[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:205 name: immunodeficiency associated infection def: "Infection with bacteria, viruses or fungi subsequent to immunodeficiency." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:217 name: ulcerative inflammation def: "Combination of inflammation, often suppurative or granulomatous, with ulceration." [ISBN:0781727286] comment:Ulcers may be a component or inflammation. Use MPATH: Ulcer[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:239 name: hemangioendothelioma def: "hemangioendothelioma" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete Use Hemangioma MPATH: 240[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:248 name: ependymoma malignant def: "ependymoma malignant" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete -subsumed into MPATH:247[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:283 name: intraductal carcinoma def: "In situ carcinoma of the mammary ductal epithelium. (M- 8500/2)." [Pathbase: Curation] comment:Made obsolete by inclusion in MPATH: 486 Ductal intra-epithelial neoplasia[] synonym: "Ductal carcinoma in situ [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "intraductal adenocarcinoma, non-infiltrating [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:324 name: androblastoma def: "obsolete use Sertoli cell tumor MPATH: 331." [Pathbase: Curation] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:325 name: fibrothecoma def: "obsolete use thecoma MPATH:334." [Pathbase: Curation] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:327 name: gynandroblastoma def: "gynandroblastoma" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete Use sertoli-leydig cell tumor MPATH 332[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:333 name: sex cord tumor def: "sex cord tumor" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete: Use more specific terms: MPATH: 334, 331, 329, 326[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:336 name: leukaemia def: "leukaemia" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete folowing reclassification.[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:338 name: granulocytic leukaemia def: "granulocytic leukaemia" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete following reclassification see: MPATH505[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:339 name: lymphatic leukaemia def: "lymphatic leukaemia" [Pathbase: Curation] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:343 name: lymphoma def: "lymphoma" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete; divided between subtypes of MPATH516, MPATH535[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:344 name: follicle center cell lymphoma def: "follicle center cell lymphoma" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete; see MPATH 522[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:345 name: immunoblastic lymphoma def: "immunoblastic lymphoma" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete; see MPATH525[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:347 name: small lymphocytic lymphoma def: "small lymphocytic lymphoma" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete; see MPATH520[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:348 name: thymic lymphoma def: "thymic lymphoma" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:349 name: mast cell tumor def: "mast cell tumor" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete; see MPATH507[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:350 name: mastocytoma def: "mastocytoma" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete. See MPATH507[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:364 name: mesothelial tumor def: "mesothelial tumor" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete; subsumed into MPATH365[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:368 name: endocrine adenocarcinoma def: "obsolete." [Pathbase: Curation] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:369 name: endocrine adenoma def: "endocrine adenoma" [Pathbase: Curation] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:386 name: odontogenic tumor def: "odontogenic tumor" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:redundant[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:390 name: chondroblastoma, malignant def: "chondroblastoma, malignant" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:Subsumed into MPATH:389[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:402 name: glomus tumor def: "glomus tumor" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete; use paraganglioma M-8711/0) or specific example terms, MPATH399-401.[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:411 name: granular cell tumor/alveolar sarcoma def: "granular cell tumor/alveolar sarcoma" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete. Use specific terms MPATH: 412 or MPATH: 413[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:414 name: histiocytic sarcoma def: "histiocytic sarcoma" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:redundant use MPATH506[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:427 name: myoblastoma def: "myoblastoma" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete. Syn of granular cell tumor. MPATH 413[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:434 name: neurilemmoma def: "neurilemmoma" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:obsolete. Use schwannoma MPATH438[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:441 name: synovioma def: "synovioma" [Pathbase: Curation] comment:Obsolete. Use MPATH:440[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:459 name: obsolete def: "obsolete" [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:481 name: pre-neoplastic lesions def: "Lesions likely to result in progression to frank tumors, which may be classified as pre-neoplastic or pre-cancerous." [Journal: Ward; J.M. ( 2002) J Toxicol. Pathol. 15; 123-128] comment:Obsolete; replaced by potentially pre-cancerous lesions (MPATH 556) as many are actually neoplastic but do not progress to cancer.[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:483 name: atypical hyperplasia def: "Presence of localised areas within for example adenomas showing characteristics of neoplastic (tumor) progression, eg focal carcinoma." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:Considered to be too vague to be useful.[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:485 name: carcinoma in situ def: "May be used in some systems in preference to its synonyms to indicate lesion specific aprearances. A lesion characterised by changes of the type associated with invasive carcinoma, but physically bounded by the lining epithelium and without local invasion." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] comment:Subsumed into MPATH: 132[] synonym: "severe epithelial dysplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] synonym: "severe intraepithelial neoplasia [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:514 name: B cell neoplasms def: "B cell neoplasms" [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:550 name: sarcoma def: "A connective tissue neoplasm, usually highly malignant, formed by proliferation of mesodermal cells." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:552 name: Clara cell adenoma def: "Benign tumor of the Clara cells of the bronchioalveolar epithelium." [Book: Hahn; F.F. and Boorman; GA. neoplasia and pre-neoplasia in the lung. In Pathology of Neoplasia and Preneoplasia in Rodents. Vol.2. p 39. (1997) Schattauer ( Stuttgart and New York)] comment:Merged with MPATH:272 following recommendations of MMHC 2003.[] xref: URL: is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:557 name: aberrant crypt foci def: "Sensu gastrointsestinal tract. visible microscopically in whole mount colonic tissue. One or more crypts larger than most, have a thickened layer of epithelial cells that stain more intensely with methylene blue. Some have a slit shaped luminal opening, and increased pericryptal space and are elevated from the focal plane of the microscope. ACF is not a histologic diagnosis." [PMID:12612914] comment:Use IEN1 MPATH:130 instead. Suppressed as not strictly a histological diagnosis.[] synonym: "ACF [Pathbase: Curation]" [Pathbase: Curation] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:569 name: granular cell tumor def: "granular cell tumor" [ISBN-13:9783794515530] comment:Subsumed into MP:413 as incidence in meninges, whilst a characteristic lesion, is the same type of tumor as that originally classified under myomatous tumors. Describe meningeal granular cell tumor using MP:413 and the anatomical descriptor.[] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:588 name: Dysplasia def: "Dysplasia" [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:593 name: Myeloma def: "Plasma cell myeloma - (ICD-O 9732/3)." [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:598 name: degenerative entity def: "degenerative entity" [Pathbase: Pathology Committee] is_obsolete: true [Term] id: MPATH:612 name: Abscess def: "A circumscribed collection of purulent exudate frequently associated with swelling and other signs of inflammation." [ISBN:0781727286] comment:Alternately a cavity formed by liquefactive necrosis within solid tissue. Obsoleted by MPATH 608[] is_obsolete: true [Typedef] id: part_of name: part of is_transitive: true [Typedef] id: is_a name: is a